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SECO News February-March 2024

I am proud to report that SECO Energy continues to be a member satisfaction leader. SECO Energy completed its annual member-wide customer satisfaction survey, where over 1,700 members were asked to participate. The member responses were sent to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®), a company that measures customer satisfaction across multiple industries throughout the entire United States.


Wynn's Wire


For 2023, SECO Energy received an ACSI score of “89” out of a maximum score of “100.” [1] SECO’s score is higher than all publicly measured investor-owned utility scores, cooperative utility scores, and municipal utility scores. SECO Energy’s score of “89” places the not-for-profit electric cooperative 17 points higher than the average investor-owned utility score of 72, as well as 18 points higher than the average municipal utilities score of 71, per the industry ratings in the 2023 ACSI Utility Sector Report.


Not only is SECO’s 2023 ACSI score of 89 higher than the average investor-owned utility or municipal utility score, but our score is also higher than the average cooperative utility. SECO scored 15 points higher than the average cooperative utility. For more information, please visit


ACSI is the only national cross-industry customer satisfaction measure representing the U.S. economy. A wide range of industries and organizations of all types count on ACSI methodology to obtain science-based insights across the complete arc of the customer experience.


Thank you, members, for recognizing our commitment to outstanding member satisfaction and engagement. We are 100% committed to engaging with you and making sure SECO and its 400+ employees fulfill our mission to provide reliable and innovative energy services. Earning your trust is an accomplishment like no other.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer


[1] Results based on data provided by SECO Energy, collected between December 4 and 8, 2023. ACSI did not regulate the survey administration or sample size. ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.



SECO News February - March 2024 A Message from Shannon Wright SECO Energy 2024 Scholarship Program


SECO Energy practices the seven Cooperative Principles through our efforts to achieve our Mission, Vision and Core Values. Our annual Scholarship Program is one such initiative that embodies the principles of Concern for Community and Education, Training, and Information.


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees has approved $36,000 to fund the 2024 Scholarship Program. Up to twelve graduating high school seniors living in a home served by SECO will be awarded a $3,000 scholarship designed to ease the financial burden of pursuing higher education at an accredited institution in Florida.


As the labor pool in the energy industry narrows, cultivating and retaining local talent is critical. SECO Energy is seeking applicants who stand out in math and science and are keen on forging a career in energy-related fields. Whether technology, business, engineering, or mathematics, we support students with a passion for powering the future.




• Eligible candidates must graduate from high school by the end of the 2023-2024 academic year (May/June) and enroll in a Florida-based college, university, or technical school by the conclusion of the same year.
• Applicants must reside in a household within SECO Energy’s service area or live with a parent or legal guardian who is an active SECO Energy member.
• Special consideration will be given to those seeking a STEM-related degree or aiming for a career in the energy sector. Relevant majors include computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical, nuclear, environmental, civil, agricultural/biological, industrial, materials science, and various branches of mathematics.




When assessing applicants, SECO Energy will weigh financial need, academic accomplishments, community engagement, quality of the personal statement or essay, and relevance of the candidate’s major in preparation for a STEM-related or energy sector career.


Applications for the 2024 Scholarship Program are available online at > Your Co-op > Scholarships. Completed applications must be submitted to SECO Energy by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 1, 2024.


For inquiries regarding SECO Energy’s 2024 Scholarship Program, please contact our Communications team.





SECO News February - March 2024 StormCenter and LightFinder Power and Area Light Outage Reporting

StormCenter is SECO Energy’s online outage reporting center. Not only can you report power outages using your smartphone or tablet, but SECO will also send you outage updates via email, text, voice message, or all three.


Reporting a new outage or checking the status of an existing outage with your smartphone or tablet is easy. To report an outage, visit > StormCenter and click
“Report Outage.” Enter the account holder’s last name and house number (or the account number or phone number). To find the status of a current outage, click on the “Check Status” tab.


Make sure you’re enrolled in outage notifications via email, text or voice message or a combination of the three. Once service is restored, we’ll send you a message that includes the outage cause and restoration time. You can also set do not disturb times. To choose notification preferences, visit > StormCenter and click the “Manage Notifications” tab.


StormCenter allows you to report an area light malfunction, too. Choose LightFinder through the StormCenter platform to report area light malfunctions 24/7, including weekends, quickly and conveniently online. To report an area light that is completely out, flickering, or shining during daylight hours, visit > StormCenter and choose “LightFinder.” In the search bar at the top left of the LightFinder map, enter the pole number or closest address. An icon represents each light. Working lights are shown as a green icon, while a red icon is a light that has already been reported as malfunctioning. The icon is orange if the light has been repaired in the last 24 hours. A gray icon represents an inactive light, and a blue icon is a member-owned light, which is the member’s responsibility to repair.


After completing the brief reporting form, remember to provide your email address to receive timely updates regarding the status of the light repair. Area lights are repaired as soon as possible. In most cases, repairs are completed within 24 hours.



SECO News February - March 2024 Energizing 2024 Landstone Substation Fuels Growth in Sumter County


The massive construction of Middleton, one of the newest communities in The Villages, continues rapidly. New homes, businesses, and schools are being built to support Sumter County’s population increase. As the community grows, so will the demand for reliable, affordable energy. SECO Energy’s newest advanced substation, our 50th called Landstone, plays a vital role in meeting this demand.


Central Florida and SECO Energy’s service area is growing. With this growth comes the critical need for a reliable and robust electrical infrastructure. SECO is strategically building and planning for growth to continue long into the future. Landstone, with its two 56-megavolt amp (MVA) power transformers, is the key to ensuring thousands of homes and businesses receive the necessary electricity.


Landstone utilizes two Duke Energy transmission lines in a looped configuration, creating redundancy that increases reliability for members served from the nearby Federal substation. By design, crews can restore service to members served by either substation through distribution backfeeding. This redundancy decreases the length of service interruptions and supports growing demand.


To view your area’s system improvements and expansion projects, visit us online at > Contact > System Improvement Map.


Read the full February-March 2024 SECO News.

SECO News, June 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016


If the warmer than normal Spring is any indication, it looks like another hot Florida summer is just around the corner. As Floridians know, hurricane season started on June 1st. I want to assure you, our members, that SECO Energy and its employees are “Storm Ready.”


From the members’ perspective, what does that mean? Storm Ready doesn’t begin with storm season; Storm Ready is designing, building and maintaining a reliable system that delivers power to SECO members rain or shine. Supported by a number of behind-the-scenes departments, the employees from our Operations department – the good guys in the white hats – are the cavalcade of employees and their trucks that members look for during a service interruption. These employees work diligently to restore power quickly and safely. In the meantime, our member service employees stand ready to take your calls, and our Corporate Communications folks update website and social media communications to provide the latest information on outage statuses.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016


Restoring power quickly during storm season is only a small portion of SECO’s reliability focus. Our employees and contractor partners continually inspect, maintain and upgrade existing facilities. In 2015, we inspected 19,923 distribution poles and replaced 3,208 of them. To improve data communication between substation equipment and our System Operations Center, SECO upgraded to fiber optic communications for data transfer. The System Operations Center is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and stands ready to assist members outside of normal business hours.


To maximize outage prevention efforts, we must first identify the most frequent causes. Tree-related outages are the number one reason why members lose power (small animal incidents take a close second). In the last decade, SECO has focused on creating a comprehensive vegetation management program and has dramatically reduced power outages related to trees. For nine years running, SECO has been nationally recognized as a Tree Line USA Utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation.


This is only a small overview of the accomplishments and responsibilities related to outage prevention and restoration. Daily afternoon storms are coming soon, so get to know SECO’s Storm Center by visiting where members can report power outages and watch for updates on restoration efforts in your area. “Like” SECO’s page on Facebook and follow SECO on Twitter for instant updates and news releases. Lastly, visit to review our Emergency Checklist to ensure you and your family are Storm Ready too.



SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community


Commitment to Community

As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy supports its members and the communities it serves by engaging in charitable projects. SECO employees also embrace their communities by volunteering hundreds of hours of their personal time on charitable projects they choose to support. Whether it’s coaching youth sports, running 5K races or volunteering for (and pledging to) United Way, members can find our SECO employee volunteers out and about building stronger communities.


This spring, SECO and its employees participated in events that showcased our beautiful outdoor spaces, contributed to the fight against cancer and awarded financial assistance to young scholars beginning their college careers.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Earth Fest and Arbor Day


Earthfest at Arbor Day

In April, SECO Energy’s Vegetation Management team celebrated the great outdoors at the Earthfest at Arbor Day event in downtown Ocala’s Tuscawilla Park. Families enjoyed the lovely spring weather, food, crafts, demonstrations and live entertainment. The SECO team gave away several hundred trees and children loved the face painting, coloring books and additional giveaways.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Arbor Day


Visitors took the opportunity to ask our Certified Arborists for tree-care tips and for planting advice for the trees they took home. Supported by our partners, ACRT and Nelson Tree, SECO has been a proud recipient of the Tree Line USA distinction by the National Arbor Day Foundation for nine years.


Sumter County’s Relay for Life

In late April, the SECO Relay for Life team participated in the American Cancer Society’s fundraiser. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event. It raises donations for cancer research as well as support for cancer patients and their caregivers.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Relay for life


This year’s theme was “Stopping Cancer in its Tracks,” inspired by the iconic television show Soul Train. SECO team members and other volunteers boogied through the night and into the morning to represent their commitment to continue the fight against cancer. Our SECO team’s fundraising efforts paid off, raising over $12,000 for the American Cancer Society.


Scholarship Program

Now in its 20th year, the SECO Board of Trustees approved $36,000 for deserving high school seniors. The 12 students from our service area were each awarded a $3,000 scholarship.


SECO Energy, 2016 Scholarship Awardees


This year the seniors and their families were honored with a reception at SECO’s headquarters on May 23rd. Visit to see their names and photos. Since beginning the program, SECO has awarded 257 scholarships totaling over $500,000 to young people whose families’ energy needs are served by SECO.


As a member, how can you help your community and fellow members in need? Enroll in SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program. Pennies from Heaven automatically rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar amount. The extra pennies (which average about $6 annually) are donated to the Pennies from Heaven program. Every cent collected is distributed here in our local communities and to our members for bill payment assistance.


Enroll online at under Your Co-op > Community > Pennies from Heaven. Or you can call us at (352) 793-3801 or email to enroll.



SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - energy saving tip


Energy Saving Tip

The heat leading up to the 2016 Florida summer is here, and The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that June will be a little hotter than normal. Now is a perfect time to have your HVAC unit serviced to ensure your unit is running efficiently before summer gets into full swing. Change your filter regularly too. Order discounted filters (free shipping) from


Programmable thermostats offer preprogramed settings to regulate the temperature in your home. Installing a programmable thermostat can help homeowners reduce their energy usage and save on electric bills.


A programmable thermostat will adjust the times that the air conditioning or heating system operates. Most new programmable thermostats adjust while you are away during the day, while you are sleeping, have vacation mode and include an app that allows you to adjust on the fly.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - energy saving tip


The website reports consumers can save between 5 and 15 percent on electric bills by using a programmable thermostat. For the most savings, set the thermostat to adjust the temperature in portions of time at least four hours in length.


If you have additional questions about installing a programmable thermostat, you should contact a certified HVAC contractor for assistance. [237021] As a member of SECO Energy, your Co-op Connections card offers discounts to many local businesses. Look for a local HVAC contractor that offers members a discount by visiting


Looking for more ways to save energy and reduce your electric bill? Please contact us at (352) 793-3801 or email to learn more ways to save energy and reduce your electric bill.



SECO Energy, Expressions



Recently we had the honor and privilege to participate at the Annual Meeting of SECO Energy. We sincerely hope that we provided what was expected and in a manner that dignified the occasion. The donation was extremely appreciated and will be used to aid needy veterans. Should we be of any future service, please contact us.
Donald Saylor
Commander – Honor Guard, VFW Post #4337
Inverness, FL


Want you to know how much I appreciate SECO. Your company goes far beyond what is expected. Thank you for fighting to keep our cost down. I am on Social Security; it is a blessing to see a low electric bill.
Thank you again & God Bless,
Mrs. Barbara Marsh
Ocala, FL



SECO Energy, Call 811 before you dig


Read the full June 2016 SECO News here.


SECO News, March 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016


Solar Support


I’ve been pretty vocal over the years in candidly explaining the merits and drawbacks of rooftop residential solar installations. The good news is that installations are more affordable as costs come down. The bad news is that a subsidy is still required to support such investments.


SECO has been successful in supporting members who generate their own power without resorting to rebates or credits that inadvertently create financial burden on other members.


We feel those who choose to invest in their own installations should bear the long term costs to receive the benefits. I realize there are some who disagree but I want to emphasize that our philosophy doesn’t seem to be discouraging members who are committed to investing in solar energy.


Case in point: The Florida Office on Economic and Demographic Research reports that SECO  has the highest number of solar interconnections of any electric cooperative or municipal utility in Florida with 271 installations.  Per the report, SECO also has the highest gross power rating for solar when compared with the state’s other cooperatives.


SECO’s interconnected members produced 1,139,363 kilowatt hours last year, resulting in payments from SECO to the members totaling nearly $95,000 in 2015.  Over the life of their systems, the company has paid nearly $281,000 to solar members for the electricity they’ve produced per the terms of our tariff and net metering policy.


I understand parts of our service territory have been inundated recently with door-to-door and robocall solicitation from energy efficiency and solar salesmen. My advice is to exercise caution if you are approached and to call SECO for a free second opinion on the financial outlay and payback. Our Energy Services team can walk you through identifying your home’s conduciveness to solar by examining orientation, roof pitch, usage and potential payback. Rest assured, we’re not trying to discourage you – we simply want you to know what you will get for your money.


Speaking of your money, Congress extended the Investment Tax Credit (IVT) –30% of the value of solar projects. The 30% credit extends through 2019. Per a recent Wall Street Journal article, these credits were key to the rapid expansion of renewable energy. Without our tax dollars, this industry would probably be floundering. But it’s booming – and who technically profits from the credit? Solar panel manufactures and sellers – they even get to pocket the tax credit if the consumer leases rather than purchases their installation. And they probably didn’t send you, the taxpayers, a thank you note or a Christmas card.


On the topic of large-scale solar, SECO is working with the Federal Correctional Facility in Coleman to integrate their new solar system. Through a federal expenditure – more of our tax dollars at work – the prison installed a two-megawatt solar system to offset its energy use.


Another project in the works will allow you to purchase small blocks of solar energy rather than spending tens of thousands of dollars on rooftop solar. This utility-scale system should be operational by year’s end – watch for enrollment details.


Utility-scale solar costs have decreased, but it’s important to remember that traditional generation must still stand ready to produce power when the sun doesn’t shine. Even if you invest in a solar system, SECO members still incur the cost of a $775 million electric system – the meters, lines, poles, transformers, substations and peak time power supply that serves solar members when the sun doesn’t shine… at night, on cloudy days, during hot summer afternoons during storm season and on cold winter mornings before sunrise.


Floridians with solar installations still expect full-time, reliable electricity to be able to run their ACs, cook dinner and power their electronic gadgets in the absence of sunlight. It’s a point often lost in discussion of future power needs.


Can we do more with solar? Yes, we should and from the numbers I provided, clearly we are making progress. Contact us at if you want to learn more.



2016 Annual Meeting , Saturday March 19, 2016


Attend our 2016 Annual Meeting of the membership on Saturday, March 19, at our Sumterville Compound at 293 S Highway 301. Gates open at 8:00 a.m. with parking assistance and shuttle service. Join us for entertainment, coffee, cookies, doughnuts, and the now famous big breakfast biscuit.


Visit the tent with displays showing ways to reduce electric use and save on your bill. The Business Meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. after which a lot of cash prizes and door prizes are awarded. The grand prize is a refurbished 2005 Dodge Dakota 4×4.


Like SECO Energy on Facebook today as a first step to enter in a drawing for a $300 electric bill credit that will be awarded at the meeting. All members who attend the meeting and comment on, like, or upload a photo to our 2016 Annual Meeting status update on our Facebook page will be entered in the drawing. The randomly selected member must be present to win the $300 electric bill credit.


Not a Facebook user? Establish a Facebook account today to get ready. Don’t understand it? The SECO Energy Facebook Help Squad will be available at the meeting to help you access the page, like, comment and upload your best “selfie” photo. It’ll be great to show your kids and grandkids you’ve mastered the selfie!


After the business meeting and prize drawings, we typically wrap up by noon. We certainly hope you will join us.



SECO Energy Scholarship Deadline March 25th


$36,000 in Scholarships – March 25th Deadline


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit organization guided by the cooperative principles, so support for education and community needs are high priorities.


The Board of Trustees approved the continuation of the SECO Energy Scholarship Program. Board President Ray Vick said, “The Board is proud to renew our commitment to the support of youth and continuing education in our community. These scholarships can be used for community college, a university or a technical/trade school, and we hope that some of these students have a career in their future at SECO Energy once they’re out of school.”


Applications for the 2016 program are now available on our website and graduating high school seniors are eligible to apply. Up to 12 hardworking seniors will each be selected to receive a $3,000 scholarship. To qualify, the student must live in a home served by SECO Energy, graduate from high school in 2016, and have proof of acceptance with a plan to be a full-time student in a university, accredited college or vocational/technical institute in 2016.


If you don’t have Internet access or a printer at home, application packets were mailed to high school guidance counselors in January. Direct your student there or pick up an application from one of our five service center locations. Completed applications must be received by SECO Energy by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 25th. If you have questions about the scholarship program, contact us via our website or call (352) 569-9561



SECO Energy Safety Corner


Read the full March 2016 SECO News here.