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SECO News, June 2019



Atlantic hurricane season makes its formal appearance on June 1 and ends November 30. In early May, however, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) was already tracking its first tropical disturbance in the Atlantic. NHC, a part of NOAA, at the time this publication went to print, had not released its official forecast.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest

The Weather Channel 2019 outlook calls for a total of 14 named Atlantic storms, seven hurricanes and three “major” hurricanes. That forecast is slightly above the 30-year average of 12 named storms, six hurricanes and three major hurricanes. A major hurricane is a Category 3 or stronger which means winds greater than 111 mph.


Unfortunately, no forecast can accurately predict the future. The lifesaving approach is to expect the unexpected and prepare in advance for the possibility of a power outage. Gather your hurricane supplies now. Water and plywood sell out when storms threaten. It’s essential to stock non-perishable food to sustain each family member for at least three days. If you need guidance, view SECO’s Emergency Preparation Checklist online.


Whether you plan to evacuate or stay put during a major event, enroll in outage notifications through StormCenter. Choose email, voice or text message – or all three. Take a tour of the outage map. Search for and bookmark your address. Create a SECO Energy StormCenter icon on the home screen of your smartphone or tablet.


We’ve added a new StormCenter feature. You can now check the status of a reported power outage. Visit StormCenter, click on “Check Status.” Input your last name and house number, account number or phone number on record.


StormCenter provides updates that include the time the outage began, estimated restoration time, crew status, cause if identified and when the outage was restored.


SECO has developed one of the nation’s most comprehensive Emergency Restoration Plans to respond to major storm damage. Restoring service to the largest number of members in the quickest amount of time is our goal, but with required priorities for shelters, schools, hospitals and government buildings.


If you or a family member have special needs, visit to locate your county and join the statewide Special Needs Registry. Other valuable resources for emergency planning are the National Weather Service and the American Red Cross.


Don’t be caught unprepared for the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season. SECO Energy is StormReady and equipped to respond quickly to outages affecting members. We are here for you. It is our privilege to serve your family’s energy needs.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



Meet SECO Champion Jerry Bolduc – an example of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Jerry is dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“SECO is amazing.”



SECO Champion Jerry Bolduc is a Lead Project Engineer at our SECO Headquarters. Before working at SECO, Jerry was employed by a large investor-owned utility. As a SECO member and an employee, he appreciates the cooperative difference in service that SECO offers members. During the three back-to-back hurricanes in 2004, Jerry assessed damaged areas and directed contract crews across the service territory. He was amazed by SECO’s storm response and the efficiency and organization shown during major restoration efforts. Originally from Canada, Jerry moved to Central Florida 20 years ago. He has participated in Ironman Triathlon Events including Escape from Alcatraz where he swam with sharks in San Francisco Bay. Jerry enjoys working in the field in sunny Florida (no snow) and is proud to be a SECO member, too.

SECO News HVAC Tune-Up and Filter Change June 2019



Summer heat is quickly approaching. predicts June through August temperatures will be above average in our area. Before your HVAC system begins its summer workout, schedule a tune-up with a reputable HVAC technician.


The technician should thoroughly inspect your HVAC to ensure it’s in good running condition. The system may need to be cleaned or serviced. Preventative maintenance is easier on the wallet than major repairs down the road. A well-tuned HVAC runs more efficiently, uses less energy and saves on cooling and heating costs.


Is it time to change your HVAC filter? A clean HVAC filter also helps your system run efficiently. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and change filters as recommended.

Power Line Safety June 2019 SECO News



Downed power lines are a safety hazard. Car accidents involving power poles, trees taking down a line or poles broken by heavy wind or rain have the potential to bring us too close to electric lines.


Electric energy can burn, shock, injure or kill you. Never assume a power line is safe to touch. Always assume a power line is live and has the ability to harm you. Children are especially curious and may knowingly or unknowingly approach a downed line. Talk with your kids and grandkids about the dangers of downed power lines.


Warn children to never play near or on substation fencing. Do not climb trees near power lines or allow kites, toy planes or balloons to touch power lines. Don’t release helium balloons at a birthday party or other celebration. These can tangle in lines or become deadly for Florida wildlife.


If you see a downed line, stay away and warn others away as well. Call 911 immediately to report the downed line.

SECO News June 2019 Relay For Life 6th Annual Golf Tournament



Thank you to all players, sponsors and employees who participated in SECO Energy’s 6th Annual Relay For Life Golf Tournament “Tee-Up for a Cure” at Arlington Ridge Golf Club in Leesburg on Saturday, May 4th. Players enjoyed 18-holes of golf, chance to win door prizes and fellowship.


The Relay For Life Golf Tournament sponsored by SECO raised $16,600 for the American Cancer Society.


SECO and its employees are long-time supporters of the American Cancer Society and its premier annual Relay For Life events. Join SECO and its Commitment to Community by partnering with your not-for-profit cooperative on a virtual SECO Relay For Life team.


Join a SECO Energy team by visiting and look for “Find a Participant or Team” and choose “Team.” Enter team name: “SECO Energy” and click “Search.” Choose a local Relay event and virtually join Team SECO and the American Cancer Society in the fight against cancer.


Read the full June 2019 SECO News online.

SECO News, April 2019



At year-end 2018, your not-for-profit cooperative served 205,644 members with reliable, safe, affordable power. The communities SECO Energy serves in our seven-county area are growing. You and your fellow members consumed over 3.14 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) last year – an increase of 184 million kWh over 2017.

SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


We welcomed 5,161 new members in 2018. SECO invested over $3.3 million per month to maintain, inspect and build new infrastructure to reach new members and improve system reliability. The total investment in facilities tops $878.7 million.


Much of our growth can be attributed to The Villages expansion in Sumter County but other counties are prospering as well. 23% of last year’s new growth occurred in Marion County and 32% was attributed to Lake County. 43% of the growth falls in Sumter County, and SECO’s 2019 work plan aligns with that ongoing development.


This month, I’m highlighting a noteworthy system improvement project – the $3 million Federal substation expansion in Sumter County along County Road 501. Federal’s expansion is impressive – tripling its size – making it the largest in SECO’s territory to keep pace with growth in The Villages of Fenney, Southern Oaks and the Turnpike area.


The existing substation was rebuilt in 2017. A new control house was installed. The high and low side bus work was rebuilt, the sub was completely rewired and expanded foundations were poured.


In this state-of-the-art substation, we are adding two 56 MVA power transformers for a total of three, and building eight new distribution feeders for a total of 12 to serve more members. Federal serves 3,000 members – my home included. After expansion, capacity will increase ten-fold to potentially power 30,000 members’ homes.


Safeguarding this multi-million-dollar investment is a relay protection scheme programmed to protect the substation and power transformers to keep the sub operational. SECO Relay Technicians like Travis Taylor (who you’ll read about as this month’s SECO Champion) compute the limits feeders can distribute and the amount of fault current feeders can absorb and continue to operate safely.


Power transformers provide the proper voltage to members served by the substation. When unexpected outages occur, a car hits a pole or a tree falls on the line, relays operate and try to clear the fault/interruption detected on the line. A power blink is the relay scheme in action, interrupting power and restoring quickly. If the fault still exists after the blink, the relay shuts the power flow to protect the transformers as well as the downline breakers and equipment.


Like the substation itself, the relay scheme is high-tech. Federal will be equipped with an auto-restore scheme. If a power transformer is nonoperational, a transformer in the substation will automatically pick up the load in less than a minute. Thus, members may see a blink instead of a full outage. The transmission lines will be fully looped – meaning if a fault occurs on one side of the transmission line, another side will automatically pick up the load and members won’t know a problem occurred.


SECO’s 48 substations are inspected monthly. Crews visually inspect all material, run diagnostic tests and view equipment through an infrared camera that detects temperature variations. Equipment that is out of normal temperature ranges is inspected and replaced or repaired.


Along with monthly maintenance, substations undergo a major overhaul every eight years. Our techs test relays, breakers and transformers. Test records help build trends over time. Every year, a dissolved gas analysis is conducted on all substation power transformers. Techs take a sample of the oil found in the transformers and test for arcing, which is the first sign of failure. Samples are tested in-house at our mini lab and sent away for further analysis if dangerous gases are present and degradation is suspected.


Federal is one of many system improvement projects scheduled this year. The Marion Oaks substation is being completely rebuilt, and we’re upgrading the Ocala Park substation. Major maintenance is happening at the Clermont, Haines Creek, Inverness, Linadale, Mount Dora and The Villages substations.


Improving reliability and keeping power affordable for you and your family are top priorities at SECO.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



April 2019 SECO News Travis Taylor SECO Champion

Meet SECO Champion Travis Taylor – an example of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Travis is dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“SECO is reliable.”



SECO Champion Travis Taylor is a 1st Class Relay Technician stationed in Sumterville. As a Relay Technician, he commissions, tests and maintains the equipment in SECO’s substations. A Florida native originally from Apopka, Travis and his wife have two young sons and make their home on the eastern side of SECO’s territory in Mount Dora. Travis and his family are active at their local church. Travis’ work at the Federal substation is instrumental in bringing its two new power transformers and expanded member capacity online. When Federal’s expansion is complete it will be the largest substation in SECO’s territory.


April 2019 SECO News Join the Relay For Life Virtual Team



SECO Energy is a proud, long-time supporter of the American Cancer Society by participating in local Relay For Life events. Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s premier event.


This year, we are asking members to join a virtual SECO Relay For Life team established in your local community.


By partnering with SECO’s virtual Relay For Life team, you become a member of an organization of 3.5 million survivors, patients, advocates, volunteers, caregivers and researchers doing everything within our power to save lives.


You can participate virtually and/or in person. To join a SECO Energy team, visit Relay Events, look for “Find a Participant or Team” and choose “Team.” Enter team name: “SECO Energy” and click “Search.” Choose your local Relay event to join one of SECO’s teams, donate or dedicate a luminaria.


Join SECO Energy and the American Cancer Society today!


April 2019 SECO News call Before You Dig 811



Planting a garden or a tree? Call 811 before you dig. In Florida, it’s the law.


Sunshine 811 is a free service that locates and marks underground utilities, keeping you and your family safe from digging into buried electric, natural gas, telephone or water lines. Know what’s below – dial 811 or visit Sunshine 811 online to request utility locating assistance.


April 2019 SECO News Tree Line USA 12 Years Growing



We are proud to announce that SECO Energy has earned the Tree Line USA Utility distinction from the Arbor Day Foundation. Your cooperative has been named a Tree Line USA Utility now for 12 consecutive years!


The Arbor Day Foundation created the Tree Line USA program to recognize public and private utilities for practices that protect and enhance America’s urban forests. A collaboration of the Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters, Tree Line USA promotes the dual goals of delivering safe and reliable electricity while maintaining healthy community trees.


To be named a Tree Line USA Utility, SECO follows the Arbor Day Foundation’s standards that include quality tree care, annual worker training, tree planting and public education, tree-based energy conservation programs and participation in an annual Arbor Day celebration event.


Read the full April 2019 SECO News online.

SECO News, March 2019



I would like to extend a personal invitation to join us for our 81st Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 23. Gates and registration open at 8 a.m. and the business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. SECO’s ever-hospitable, friendly employees are excited to host members and guests on Annual Meeting day.


SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


RSVP online if you plan to attend. The online RSVP is for breakfast and gift headcount only. You will still need to register upon arrival. To RSVP online or click on the RSVP home page banner. You’ll be entered in a $300 bill credit prize drawing and must be present at the meeting to win.


Annual Meeting Home Page Banner


The theme of this year’s meeting is also a mission: “Feeding the Cooperative Spirit.” Many local food pantries are experiencing critical food shortages that compromise their ability to support area residents. Join SECO, the United Way and your fellow members to help restock local food dispensaries in the counties we serve. Consider donating healthy options including meats and vegetables; grains (oatmeal, rice, pasta); baby food and canned meals (soups, stews). United Way and local food pantry volunteers will be on-hand to collect your donated items at food drop-offs located near the big American flags in the parking areas.


Speaking of food, we are serving the now-famous “big breakfast biscuit” (sausage, egg and cheese – one per person please). You’ll also find cookies, doughnuts, coffee and sodas. Limited picnic and high top tables are available on the south side of the Annual Meeting Pavilion. You are welcome to bring your own picnic blankets, folding/camp chairs or grab a seat under the Pavilion.


To register, bring a copy of your bill. A photo ID is required. At registration, pick up a ticket set for breakfast, gifts and door prizes. Immediately after registration, you’ll drop your door prize ticket in the prize barrel at Station 1 and proceed to Station 2 to pick up your SECO gift bag. Inside you’ll find Voting Packets for the Board-recommended Articles of Incorporation amendment and the corresponding Bylaws revision. You’ll also find a copy of our 2018 Annual Report.


Scout a good seat early. Visit our Energy Showcase before the business meeting begins to learn more about energy efficiency, visit with our partners and pick up a free LED provided by our wholesale power provider Seminole Electric Cooperative. Tap your toes, sing along or dance to live music provided by member-favorite Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive Band.


Take a stroll and locate a member of our Facebook Help Squad. Snap a selfie or pose for a picture with a SECO photo frame. Members who “like” SECO’s Facebook page and post a photo or comment during the Annual Meeting on our page are entered into a drawing for a $300 bill credit.


The Articles of Incorporation amendment with Mr. Duncan cover letter 2019 and Bylaws revision with Mr. Duncan cover letter 2019 votes take place before the business meeting adjourns. Prize drawings begin directly after the business meeting. Grand prizes include a refurbished 2009 Ford SuperCab 4X4, a golf cart and cash prizes. The door prize list also includes gift cards and high-tech items. Keep reading for a sneak peek of the complete door prize list!


You must be present to win, so I hope to see you there!




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



March 2019 SECO News SECO Champions blog header




SECO’s 400+ employees are dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.


Thousands of members and guests join SECO Energy and its 400+ employees at our Annual Meetings. Members are surveyed about their Annual Meeting experience after the event, and they are not shy about sharing their feedback. Members enjoy the cooperative update, the breakfast biscuits and snacks, the live entertainment and learning about energy efficiency ideas at our Energy Showcase.


But hands-down, the highest-rated Annual Meeting experience is our members’ interactions with, and the hospitality provided by, our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Our group of hard working, local folks provide top-notch customer service to our members. Whether on the front lines or behind the scenes, SECO is proud of each employee and his/her work that helps pen our cooperative’s success stories – the stories of SECO Energy Champions.


Join us at our 81st Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 23, to interact with our employees and enjoy SECO hospitality at its finest. See you there!


2019 Annual Meeting prize list blog header



  • Refurbished 2009 Ford SuperCab 4X4
  • Gas-powered golf cart
  • $1,500
  • $1,000
  • (2) $500
  • Masterbuilt Smokers
  •  Shark Robotic Vacuum
  • Nest Learning Thermostats
  • Apple TVs
  • Wood-Burning Fire Pit
  • DEWALT Cordless Drills
  • Power Air Fryers
  • Foodsaver Vacuum Sealing Systems
  • Ring Video Doorbells
  • Amazon Fire HD 8 Tablets
  • Victrola 6-in-1 Entertainment Centers
  • Fire TV Cube
  • Black & Decker Cordless Combos
  • Amazon Fire TVs
  • Nix Digital Photo Frame
  • Nostalgia Vintage Ice Cream Makers
  • JBL Portable Bluetooth Speakers
  • Kobalt 227-piece Mechanic’s Tool Set
  • Fitbit Activity Trackers
  • Kobalt 22-piece Household Tool Set
  • Stanley Shop Vacs
  • $50 Visa Gift Cards


Read the full March 2019 SECO News online.

SECO News, February 2019



SECO Energy is an advocate for members who choose to reduce their utility-supplied power by purchasing their own systems. In fact, as of mid-January, 1,050 SECO members have interconnected with SECO’s facilities by installing a member-owned solar array.


SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


SECO members considering a solar investment are often frustrated by the confusion about return on investment, less-than-reputable contractors and dishonest business practices. To help inform and protect our members, SECO has completed an enhancement and redesign of the Solar Power section of our website. Valuable information from a trusted source is now just a click away.


Our new online tools like the Solar Estimator can help you determine the reduction in utility-supplied power for a specific system size/orientation. The 10-step process and timeline to interconnect with SECO’s system is outlined. We provide answers to frequently asked questions, an explanation of net metering, a sample bill and other resources. We’ve published a comprehensive checklist and list of resources for vetting and selecting a contractor.


When visiting the website, carefully read through “Selecting Your System.” This section explains how to determine system size and the math behind member generation. You’ll find advantages and disadvantages of different panel and inverter types keep reading to find insurance requirements (Florida Administrative Code requires insurance for systems over 10kW).


Most important, the interconnection process and agreement is enhanced with an online application. Members and contractors will now establish login credentials and register to begin the process online. Contractors can register and help manage the interconnection process and agreement on behalf of their client.


At every step of the process toward interconnection with SECO’s facilities, members and contractors will be notified via email to provide updates. We’re leaping into 21st Century technology by incorporating electronic signatures and communications into our new system.


But wait! Before you take another step toward solar, contact SECO for a free solar audit. Our Energy Services Specialists will visit your home and use the Solar Pathfinder to determine the amount of sun your home receives. Our expert will assess your roof, note home orientation and measure obstructions that may block solar power production.


Before signing a contract with an installer, do your homework. Let SECO help you research any potential return on investment. The calculation must include the system investment, maintenance and the cost of utility-supplied power used at night, chilly early mornings or cloudy days.


Attend SECO’s 81st Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 23 for a live demonstration at our Solar Square. Gates open at 8 a.m. – join us for breakfast, snacks, live entertainment, gifts, the potential to win door prizes and top-notch hospitality of our local employees.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




SECO News Champion Tony Shaw February 2019
Meet SECO Champion Tony Shaw – an example of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Tony is dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“I make a difference.”



SECO Champion Tony Shaw is an Energy Services Specialist who is a subject matter expert on member-owned solar systems and energy-efficiency measures. As a Citrus County resident, he is often the SECO contact stationed in the Citrus County Emergency Operations Center during emergencies such as Hurricanes Irma and Matthew. Tony’s family has called Central Florida home for generations. He and his family enjoy fishing and golf, and he loves to spend time with his young grandson. Tony is proud that he helps members save money and reduce energy usage by conducting energy and solar audits. Tony is often out and about in the community offering energy-efficiency tips, providing money-saving ideas and sharing his knowledge of solar generation. Tony states, “People really trust and believe in SECO Energy as a company.”




SECO News FL Special Needs Registry February 2019


The Florida Division of Emergency Management has developed the Florida Special Needs Registry to allow residents with special needs to register with their local emergency management agency to receive assistance during a disaster. The statewide registry provides first responders with valuable information to prepare for disasters or other emergencies. The Special Needs Registry may help save your life. Visit the Florida Disaster website to locate your county and register.




SECO News ACSI February 2019


Thank you, SECO Members, for rating your not-for-profit electric cooperative top in customer satisfaction. SECO received an outstanding ACSI score of 89 in 2018! When comparing SECO to average ACSI scores in the energy industry – SECO is a clear Florida and national frontrunner. Nationally, cooperative utilities averaged 77 in 2018. Scores for municipal and investor-owned utilities both averaged slightly lower at 75.




SECO News Move Over February 2019



Did you know that Florida law requires drivers to Move Over a lane – safely – for law enforcement, emergency, sanitation, utility vehicles, tow trucks and wreckers that are stopped on the roadside? Heed the law or pay a hefty fine – $100 to $500 (dependent on the county where cited) – and three points on your driving record.


If you can’t safely move over a lane – Slow Down to a speed that is 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.


In 2017, over 17,000 Move Over citations were issued in Florida– this includes 1,756 logged in SECO’s service area. There were 212 Move Over crashes in the state and 16 Move Over crashes in our area.


The fine will lighten your wallet and the points will damage your driving record. But the law is designed to protect defenseless roadside workers including SECO‘s line technicians. Let’s all Move Over and allow these folks to return home safely to their loved ones after a hard day’s work.



SECO News February 2019 Right Tree Right Place



Spring is just around the corner and many of us are looking forward to planting a new landscape. For energy efficiency and safety, plant the right tree in the right place and always call 811 Sunshine One-call (it’s free!) before you dig. 811 will arrange for the free service of locating and marking underground utilities.


Did you know the right landscape plan can greatly reduce your annual energy costs? Deciduous trees planted to the south, southwest or west side of buildings can provide shade that helps reduce cooling costs. Evergreen trees planted on the north and west sides help to block winter winds and reduce heating costs.


When planning, consider the tree’s height when fully grown. Trees growing too close to lines are a safety hazard to SECO field employees and the public. Trees touching lines can cause sparks, fires, power outages and shock hazards. Never plant tall oak, pine, sycamore or palm trees near power lines.


Planning the right landscape today can avoid problems in the future, especially where power lines are concerned.


Read the full February 2019 SECO News online.

SECO News, December 2018





SECO Energy employees are here to fill the sleigh with toys collected for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. As a Marine myself, Toys for Tots is particularly special to me. Our employees have also embraced Toys for Tots because they know the organization is delivering Christmas morning happiness to children in our local communities.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Toys for Tots plays Santa for thousands of less-fortunate children. Toy donation boxes were made available in all Member Service Centers through early December for employees and members alike to donate new, unwrapped toys to this worthy cause.



The collected toys remain right here in our local communities to be distributed to local children. Hundreds of employees and members displayed their Christmas spirit by dropping a toy or two into the Toys for Tots collection box. The number of new bikes donated by our employees this year is definitely a record-setter. For thousands of children, the donated toys are the only gifts waiting for them under the Christmas tree.


I believe Charles Schulz of Peanuts fame said it best, “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” Many of our employees and members do a little extra for others by contributing to Toys for Tots every year. I thank you all for your generosity and willingness to give.


From the SECO family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




SECO News December 2018 SECO Champions
Meet SECO Champions Kathy and Kurt – two examples of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Kathy and Kurt are dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“We’re here for members.”



Member Services Supervisor Kathy Posso is a SECO Champion who is a friendly face assisting members in our Sumterville Member Service Center. In 2005, Kathy’s family moved to Central Florida, and she joined the SECO team in 2014. In 2017 during Hurricane Irma restoration, Kathy was especially humbled by members’ stories of devastation after the storm. Kathy’s passion is helping members. She recalls a time when a member who recently lost a spouse was grateful when she took extra time to help him read and understand the bill and complete a payment. Kathy and her husband are leaders at their church. Kathy’s family is proud that she works for SECO Energy, a cooperative that believes in putting members first and also appreciates and recognizes its employees.






“My family is proud.”



SECO Champion Kurt Campbell is an R&D Technician working throughout Sumter, Lake and Citrus Counties performing meter work to ensure accurate account billing. During Hurricane Irma restoration in 2017, Kurt worked with the warehouse team transporting supplies to crews restoring power in the field. Kurt interacts with members every day and is grateful that he was on-hand during several emergency situations. While waiting for emergency personnel, Kurt comforted a member whose husband suffered a stroke. He has also helped members with vehicle trouble. Kurt was born and raised in Sumter County and lives with his family in Coleman. Kurt says his family is glad to know that he is part of the effort to restore power to SECO members after a hurricane or major storm.




SECO News December 2018 United Way 2019 Pledge Drive



SECO Energy employees are truly blessed with a giving spirit. Our 2019 United Way Pledge Drive was an overwhelming success. Employees pledged over $66,000 to United Way – a $13,000 or 25 percent increase from last year.


The pledges will make a big difference in the lives of those in need in our service territory. SECO’s 400+ employees live in or near the counties we serve, and employees are able to choose the county where their donated dollars will benefit.


Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties are the four counties in our service area with the highest member count. The majority of our employees live and work in these four counties as well.


United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. Education, income and health are the United Way’s key focuses. Visit United Way online to find a local branch, register to volunteer or to donate.


Donate your extra pennies to help your fellow SECO Energy members in need or to support worthy causes right here in our service territory. Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to have your monthly bill automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. The donated pennies provide financial assistance through the Angel Fund.


Angel Funds are used to provide bill payment assistance to members, help those in dire and unique circumstances or support other worthy causes in the counties we serve. Requests for Angel Fund assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 2-1-1.




SECO News December 2018 Lending a Hand in North Florida



On October 10, 2018, Category 4 Hurricane Michael blazed a deadly path through North Florida, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. Destructive and deadly, Michael left 400,000 Floridians without power for weeks.


The day after Hurricane Michael, a team of SECO employees voluntarily packed their bags, leaving their families to help our cooperative neighbors’ restoration efforts.


Initially, the module traveled to Tri-County Electric in Madison before trekking to Talquin Electric Cooperative near Tallahassee. Additional line techs and warehouse personnel joined the module, and some returned home while additional employees accompanied the group as it traveled to assist Gulf Coast Electric in Wewahitchka.


SECO is very proud of our employees’ willingness to assist our cooperative neighbors. 53 SECO employees (named below) worked an almost four-week restoration effort assisting three cooperatives restoring power to thousands.



December 2018 SECO News Traveling Modules named

Read the full December 2018 SECO News online.

SECO News, November 2018





They say money doesn’t grow on trees, but as a member, your 2018 Capital Credits retirement has sprouted and arrives in your November bill.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


You, along with 200,000+ residents are members of a not-for-profit cooperative founded in 1938 as Sumter Electric Cooperative with just 500 members. Things have changed over the years. Those meager roots planted 80 years ago have thrived.


Your membership branches into ownership through energy purchases – the proverbial fertilizer of patronage capital. Ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s margins from the prior year. The annual amounts for each member who purchases electric service during the year are referred to as Capital Credit allocations.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior year’s revenue after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses are paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO Energy member’s account as Capital Credits.


During its October meeting, SECO’s Board of Trustees approved a record $5.5 million to be returned (retired) to members. Since SECO’s inception, the co-op has retired more than $63.3 million to current and former members. This year’s Capital Credits return is rooted in sound financial stewardship by SECO’s Board, the leadership team and our dedicated employees.


Each member receiving a 2018 Capital Credits retirement will see the amount on their spruced-up November billing statement listed as a line item labeled “Capital Credits Ret.” Business members with retirements over $1,000 will receive a check. If you move out of SECO territory, keep your mailing address updated so we can send future Capital Credit retirements.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




SECO Champions November 2018
Meet two SECO Champions – Melissa and Matthew – two examples of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Melissa and Matthew are dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“My job is awesome.”



SECO Champion Melissa Lacasse is a System Control Coordinator at our SECO Headquarters who is responsible for monitoring the power delivery to SECO’s over 200,000 members. SECO’s System Control Coordinators work shifts around-the-clock, 365 days a year directing line technicians to service calls throughout our 2,100-square mile territory. Melissa and her family (her husband Ken is also a SECO employee) are long-time residents of Marion County. They enjoy football, boating and spearfishing. During Melissa’s 25-year SECO career, she has worked as a Member Services Representative, Meter Reader, Line Technician and a System Control Coordinator. “At SECO, we are a tight-knit group, whether at work or in the communities we serve. My family was thrilled when SECO hired me, and it is a blessing to work at SECO.”






“I enjoy helping people.”



SECO Champion Matthew Dixon is a Service Technician who responds to service calls and works to restore members’ power safely. Matthew’s work area covers Bushnell, Inverness, Lady Lake, The Villages and Webster. Originally from Dallas (yes, he’s a Cowboys fan), he moved to Central Florida in 1991 and joined the SECO team in 2006. Matthew, his wife, five children and 15 grandchildren attend church together where he plays bass guitar. Matthew credits his enjoyment of helping people as the reason he became a SECO Line Technician. He is prepared to respond to outage calls day or night and the appreciation he receives from members keeps him going. Watch Matthew’s video on our YouTube Channel to learn how he got the nickname “Hollywood.”




Safe Decorating November 2018 SECO News



‘TIS THE SEASON to spread goodwill and cheer while impressing your neighbors with your Christmas creativity.


For your safety, SECO prohibits Christmas décor or other attachments on its poles or decorative lights. Never place a ladder against a SECO area light or pole – you can damage the pole or suffer an electric shock.


Please share your Christmas joy with your neighbors, but refrain from including SECO facilities in your festive design. Decorate safely this season – Merry Christmas!




Holiday Energy Efficiency November 2018



The holidays are just around the corner which means extra baking and cooking, along with holiday decorations. Don’t forget about energy efficiency while you are celebrating your families’ holiday traditions.


When baking, resist opening the oven door. Each time the door opens, the oven’s temperature can drop as much as 25 degrees which can add cooking time. Another tip – if a recipe calls for baking time over one hour – don’t waste the time and energy it takes to preheat the oven.


Most of us love bright, twinkling holiday lights – be sure to choose LEDs. These are more efficient, last longer and are safer than older incandescent lights. LEDs use less energy and produce less heat than standard incandescent lights.


Here’s to a happy, healthy, energy-efficient holiday season!




Toys for Tots SECO News November 2018



Would you like a chance to play Santa for local children in need of Christmas gifts? SECO Energy’s five Member Service Centers are available to the public as U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program drop-off locations.


Join the SECO crew in donating a new, unwrapped toy or two for Toys for Tots at a Member Service Center in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala or Sumterville. SECO will gather toys through the first week of December.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is dedicated to the communities it serves. Our employees are ever-so-generous in their support of Toys for Tots and other community endeavors for which they volunteer their personal time. Thousands of children will wake up to presents under the tree on Christmas morning thanks to our employees’ and members’ giving spirit.


Read the full November 2018 SECO News online.

SECO News, October 2018





SECO Energy is a company of Champions. Our employees are local people who work hard and raise families in the communities SECO serves. When you call, email or visit a SECO location with a question or a service need, the employees who respond are right here in Central Florida.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


The Operations employees who come running – braving the wind, rain and lightning to restore power – are viewed as everyday superheroes when storms blow through or equipment fails. Our Champions live and work all across our service area for the quickest response time. Nights, weekends and holidays are regular business hours for these Champions who are committed to the highest quality, most reliable electric service possible.


Serving your energy needs is personal for us, so we want you to get to know our employees. Whether you run into them in the grocery store, at a ball game or restoring service after an outage, I can assure you that SECO is a company of dedicated employees and upstanding citizens committed to the members we serve.


Meet our first two SECO Energy Champions – Paul Byrd and Aaron Vaughn. Paul is a Service Technician who works in the central part of our service territory. Aaron is a Crew Supervisor who works the second shift and covers all areas of SECO’s service territory. Read more about these gentlemen on the next page, visit our website and click on the Champions banner to watch Paul and Aaron’s videos as our very first featured Champions.


Watch for next month’s SECO News, engage on our social media platforms or on SECO’s homepage as we unveil a few more SECO Energy Champions every month. Each and every SECO employee works to provide you with affordable, reliable electric service. Our employees are the brightest and best in our industry, and I hope you enjoy learning more about them.


Together, we are “StormReady.” It is our privilege to serve your family’s energy needs.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




SECO Champions Aaron and Paul October 2018


Meet two SECO Champions – Aaron and Paul – two examples of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Aaron and Paul are dedicated to providing exceptional service to our members, co-workers and communities.






“I love my job.”



Aaron Vaughn is a SECO Champion who supervises SECO’s two-man rapid response line crews who are on-call and ready to dispatch 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Aaron and his family have lived in Central Florida for ten years, and during leisure time they enjoy local church events, fishing, gardening and raising animals in Citrus County. During storm season, SECO crews – led by supervisors like Aaron – are staged throughout our service territory so they can respond quickly when lightning takes out a transformer, a tree falls on a line or winds bring down a pole. Aaron wants members to rest assured that “SECO has crews available at all times to restore power outages whether it’s during a weekend, at midnight or a holiday – SECO is here for you.”






“It’s an adventure.”





SECO Champion Paul Byrd is a Service Technician who is prepared to restore power any time – day or night. A lifelong resident of Lake County, Paul creates amazing works of art in his spare time, and he feels blessed to work for SECO while raising a wonderful family. In 2004, Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne blazed paths through Florida, and Paul remembers working 16-hour days for two weeks straight during each hurricane. He credits the challenge of three devastating storms as the reason he aspired to be a SECO Service Tech. Paul believes his commitment to keeping the lights on for SECO members has a positive impact on his own family and the community – recognizing teachers, firefighters and law enforcement officers who serve the needs of the community as a whole.




SECO Contributes to Local Public Education Foundations October 2018



SECO Energy’s 2018 back-to-school program has contributed $10,500 to local school districts in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties. These four counties are home to over 200,000 homes and businesses across the SECO Energy service territory.




Citrus County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News




Lake County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News




Marion County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News




Sumter County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News


As your local not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy believes in bolstering the communities we serve by contributing financial support to local schools, dedicated educators and students.


Read the full October 2018 SECO News online.