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SECO Energy Returns $3.5 Million to Current and Former Members

Just in time for the holiday season, SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees approved a Capital Credits return (retirement) of $3.5 million to current and former members. Since SECO Energy was founded in 1938 as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc., the cooperative has retired more than $66.8 million to current and former members.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric utility. As such, SECO’s almost 210,000 members own a portion of the cooperative’s equity and their energy purchases build patronage capital. Ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s margins from the prior year. The annual amounts for each member who purchases electric service during the year are referred to as Capital Credit allocations.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior year’s revenue after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses are paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO Energy member’s account as Capital Credits. Annually, SECO examines the financial position of the cooperative and makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on the “retirement” of Capital Credits.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “This year’s Capital Credits retirement of $3.5 million means that a portion of the cooperative’s equity is being returned to current and former members. Each current member who receives a 2019 Capital Credits retirement will see the retirement amount on the November billing statement listed as a line item. Commercial members with retirements over $1,000 will receive a check.”


Current members will find their retirement on the November billing statement a on line item labeled “Gen. Ret. Credit.” Former members receiving a retirement will be mailed a check. Former members should update their current address with the cooperative to receive future Capital Credits returns.


This year’s $3.5 million Capital Credits retirement is a lower number than in years past. The cost of delivering power to new members, constructing new facilities to meet new members’ demand for power and maintaining existing infrastructure is rising faster than SECO’s revenues.


To learn more about Capital Credits online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Trustee Richard Belles Resigns

SECO Energy announced today that District 3 Trustee Richard Belles has resigned from the Board of Trustees. Belles was elected initially in 2013 and has been a SECO Energy member since 2001.


Per the SECO Energy Bylaws, the cooperative will hold a special District 3 Meeting in the near future to elect a new Trustee. District 3 members will be invited to the special meeting and provided with instructions about Trustee candidacy and the election via a District Notice letter.


SECO Energy is the third largest cooperative in the state and the seventh largest in the nation. At the end of 2018, the not-for-profit cooperative was delivering power to 205,887 service locations.


The reliability of SECO’s $878.7 million electric system remains stellar. In 2018, the cooperative invested $3.3 million per month to extend facilities to new members and improve reliability to existing members. The cooperative’s 2018 ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) score rose to 89.

Members Re-elect District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt

Congratulations to SECO Energy District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt on his re-election. District 1 members gathered at Pine Ridge Elementary School in Clermont on Thursday, January 31, to elect a Trustee to represent their District on SECO’s Board. Mr. Boyatt lives in Clermont and has been a SECO member since 2004. Mr. Boyatt was first elected to the Board in 2013.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO members who reside in the District elect one of their fellow members to serve on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.


Mr. Boyatt declared his continued willingness to serve the members in District 1 by submitting his letter of intent to run for Trustee. Elected Trustees serve a three-year term. Mr. Boyatt’s candidacy for District 1 Trustee was unopposed.


Trustee Boyatt stated, “I thank the District 1 members for pledging their continued support for me as their Trustee. After recently completing my Director Gold Credentials from the NRECA, I am looking forward to putting my enhanced skill set to work for not only District 1 members but SECO’s membership as a whole.”


President Jerry Hatfield stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Boyatt, on your re-election as District 1 Trustee. Mr. Boyatt is a valued member of SECO’s Board, and I look forward to working with him and my peers on behalf of our fellow SECO members.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Thank you, District 1 members, for joining us at your District Meeting and participating in the cooperative governance process. I congratulate Mr. Boyatt on his re-election and thank him for sharing his industry knowledge to support his fellow members. I am grateful for our Board’s fiduciary guidance and oversight, and their collective knowledge of the utility industry.”


Duncan continued, “I hope members plan to attend our Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 23. We will be serving breakfast, coffee, soft drinks and snacks. Members can visit the Energy Showcase for energy-efficiency displays, enjoy live entertainment and enter for the chance to win door prizes. The grand prizes this year are a refurbished 2009 Ford SuperCab 4-wheel drive with less than 60,000 miles, a golf cart, cash and many other prizes.”


Visit SECO’s Board of Trustees page to view a photo and brief bio of SECO’s Trustees along with a District map. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, February 2018

Members, mark your calendar and plan to attend SECO Energy’s 80th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 24, where we will celebrate hitting our 200,000 meter milestone. I hope you’ll come celebrate with us.

February 2018 Duncan's Digest


The event is centrally located at our Sumterville Compound at 293 S. Highway 301. Registration opens at 8 a.m., and the business meeting including my CEO Report begins at 10:30 a.m. Watch for your official Annual Meeting Notice enclosed with your bill between February 8 and March 9.


SECO’s Annual Meeting is the liveliest party in town – it’s a downright shindig! Arrive hungry; we’re serving hot breakfast sandwiches, doughnuts, cookies, coffee and sodas. Registered members receive a special SECO gift and a copy of our 2017 Annual Report. Browse energy efficiency displays in the Energy Showcase and visit with our energy partners and SECO employees. Enjoy live entertainment by Margo Rochelle and Rodeo Drive Band. Meet the Board of Trustees – your fellow members who you elect to oversee the cooperative’s governance.


Our Annual Meeting celebrates you – our member. SECO is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operating for the benefit of and owned by members. SECO does not share dividends with stockholders or investors. Instead, and per the requirements of our business model and Bylaws, our margins are allocated to members themselves, used as equity for the financial health of the cooperative and returned/retired to the members upon Board of Trustee approval. Since inception, we have retired more than $57.8 million back into your pockets. It’s the “cooperative difference” in action.


New this year, we’ve developed an RSVP process to project member attendance for food and gift ordering. Let us know you are coming.  Members who RSVP online and attend the meeting are entered in a drawing for a $300 bill credit.

Save the Date


Those members without internet access can complete the perforated slip attached to the Annual Meeting notice and enclose with the bill payment – or give us a call at (352) 793-3801 and tell us how many will be in the party. Keep in mind members still must register upon arrival to receive door prize and gift tickets.


This year, the Annual Meeting agenda includes a member vote of a Board-recommended revision to SECO’s Bylaws. Look for a copy of the revision in your billing statement that includes the Annual Meeting Notice. A copy will also be included in your SECO gift bag on Annual Meeting day. Before asking for your vote, we will provide an overview of the changes during the business meeting.


Also on the agenda is the all-time member favorite – drawing for door prizes. Grand prizes include a truck and a golf cart – each valued at about $5,000 and $1,500 in cash.


Other prizes include $1,000 in cash, two $500 cash prizes and two $300 bill credits. More door prizes (like iPads and gift cards) are available too, many of which are donated by local vendors and businesses that are also SECO members. The prize drawing begins after the business meeting and Bylaws vote.

Door Prizes at the SECO Annual Meeting Feb SECO News 2018


There is ample parking, including disabled parking and shuttle service. If you require disabled parking, please have your disabled parking permit displayed prominently on your mirror as you enter the parking area. Employees will guide you to parking and shuttles.


Your official Annual Meeting Notice will arrive in your February or March billing statement. There is no need to bring the notice to the meeting. Just bring a copy of your bill and photo ID. Registration lines move quickly with our electronic check-in process when you have your bill and identification.


Join me, your fellow cooperative members and neighbors, SECO’s Board of Trustees and our employees for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Membership.


I’m looking forward to seeing each of you.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


Read the full February 2018 SECO News online.

SECO News, December 2017


Duncan’s Digest

United We Live & Give


It’s time to bid farewell to 2017 and welcome 2018 as the Christmas and New Year’s holidays approach. Dreaming of a white Christmas in Florida is probably a long-shot, but with the help of our charitable SECO employees, dreaming of a giving Christmas is a reality. SECO employees, myself included, renewed their commitment to local communities through their generous pledges to United Way in the new year.


SECO Newsletter Duncan's Digest United We Live and Give


SECO employees pledged $52,214 for United Way’s 2018 Live United campaign. Every dollar contributed by SECO employees is used to endow service programs that benefit the residents in the counties we serve and in our footprint. Much of the funding is locally designated by each employee to the agency of their choice and administered through United Way. Yearly, 61 million people across the world benefit from the programs and services funded by the United Way.


SECO United Way Fundraising GoalEvery penny makes a difference. Would you like your small change to make a difference in your community? Enroll in SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program and round up your monthly bill to the nearest dollar. Every penny collected through Pennies from Heaven is distributed locally to directly benefit SECO members. The donated funds may be used to purchase emergency medical supplies, support charitable organizations or provide bill payment assistance to your fellow members experiencing dire and unique circumstances. Enroll online or give us a call.


To learn more about United Way, find a volunteer opportunity or to be connected with a local agency, visit


I couldn’t be prouder of our employees’ goodwill toward others, and I am grateful to work with employees who care about our members and our communities. I applaud our employees’ generous spirit with their promise of $52,214 to support United Way’s 2018 campaign. This giving spirit reflects the very essence of our not-for-profit electric cooperative business model.


May peace, love and prosperity follow you all through the year. From our SECO family to yours, I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year.


Jim Duncan
Chief Executive Officer


SECO Claus Delivers: Toys for Tots 2017


Toys for Tots — “SECO Claus Delivers”


In early November, it began to feel a lot like Christmas as hundreds of SECO employees performed the role of Santa Claus for SECO’s yearly toy drive. SECO chooses to support the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program which collects new, unwrapped toys and distributes them as Christmas gifts to local children in need who live in the communities we serve.


The halls were decked, and Christmas joy and cheer were present at all SECO locations. Our perpetually generous employees donated hundreds of toys for needy children in Sumter, Lake, Marion and Citrus Counties. Each of our five Member Service Centers were open to the public as local Toys for Tots drop-off locations, and many charitable SECO members donated toys as well.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO adheres to the seven key cooperative principles – one of which is Concern for Community. SECO employees personally demonstrate their Concern for Community by volunteering their time and supporting community involvement projects in their areas. Our employees give generously during the Christmas season to the Toys for Tots toy drive and the United Way as referenced on the front page.


Employees donned their Santa hats, and smiled for the camera while displaying the toys gathered across the cooperative. The toys collected through Toys for Tots will bring joy to thousands of local children who will wake up to presents under the tree on Christmas morning.

Merry Christmas!


SECO Energy Toys for Tots


Read the full December 2017 SECO News here.


SECO News, November 2017


Duncan’s Digest

Greener Grid – More Megawatts


SECO Energy’s purpose is “To provide exceptional service to our members, co workers and communities.” The very foundation of that purpose requires developing long-range energy supply plans for the future. Looking ahead, not-for-profit utilities like SECO Energy must adapt to the changing landscape of energy production, while being prepared to deliver safe, reliable, low-cost power to current and future members.


SECO News, November 2017 - Duncan’s Digest, Greener-Grid More Megawatts


In late September while many of us were still reeling from Hurricane Irma, SECO’s wholesale provider, Seminole Electric Cooperative, announced a five-year plan to build a new natural gas-fired generating plant at its current Seminole Generating Station (SGS) facility in Palatka. The plan includes Seminole’s intention to shutter one of its two coal-fired generating units at the SGS site and enter into agreements to purchase power from other facilities that use solar and natural gas resources.


A key element of Seminole’s new long-term plan is increasing the diversity of fuel sources in its energy portfolio and generating mix. The decision is supported by continued natural gas market stability and historically low prices. Seminole is adjusting to the market by shifting its fuel mix to increase natural gas-fired power generation. This portfolio shift allows Seminole to meet the demand for more megawatts and provide safe, reliable, affordable power to its members while investing in a greener grid.


Seminole has invested over $530 million in environmental controls at its SGS facility, making it one of the cleanest coal plants in the United States. Clean-burning coal is a reliable and affordable means to produce energy, and portions of Seminole’s coal-burning generating plant will remain in use. When the presidency changes hands every four or eight years, the nation faces the possibility of new, costly regulations and policy changes aimed directly at reducing America’s dependency on coal. Additional policies and regulations usher in new expenses that risk increased energy rates and higher bills for members. Reducing coal use, however, reduces carbon emissions.


Similar to a financial portfolio with its mix of stocks and funds, Seminole’s expansion of fuel sources minimizes future risk and offers stability to its member-owners, including SECO. As your local not-for-profit electric cooperative with an expanding member base, we must embrace forward thinking ways to meet demand. Under Seminole’s new long-term plan, SECO can ensure an adequate supply of quality, reliable, affordable power is available to meet the current and future needs of our growing area.



SECO News, November 2017 - Capital Credits, Build Membersʼ Nest Eggs


Capital Credits

Build Membersʼ Nest Eggs


In November, SECO members are indeed lucky ducks – and you are much more than simply a consumer of energy. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative owned by our members, your annual purchase of energy builds a nest egg – your share of the company’s patronage capital.


A little bird flew in to tell you how it works: Your membership in SECO Energy builds ownership through your energy purchases. That ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s margins from the prior year. The annual amounts for each member who purchased electric service from SECO during that year are referred to as Capital Credits allocations.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior year’s revenue after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses have been paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO Energy member’s account as “Capital Credits” and represent a portion of the member’s patronage with the cooperative in the prior fiscal year.


During its September meeting with their ducks in a row, SECO’s Board of Trustees approved a record $5.4 million to be returned (retired) to members. Since SECO Energy’s inception, the co-op has retired more than $57.8 million to current and former members. This year’s Capital Credits return is made possible by the sound financial stewardship of SECO’s Board, leadership team and flock of dedicated, cost-conscious employees.


No wild goose chase here; each member receiving a Capital Credits retirement this year will see the amount on their November bill listed as a line item labeled “Capital Credit Ret.” Business members with retirements over $1,000 will receive an actual check. If you have questions about Capital Credits, visit > Your Co-op > Capital Credits.


SECO News, November 2017 - Capital Credits, Build Membersʼ Nest Eggs


Energy Efficiency

The Centsible Weekend DIY


Do you plan to conquer your honey-do list this weekend? Add these inexpensive, DIY tasks to save energy and reduce your monthly electric bill. Now that’s centsible.

    1. Seal doors and windows: Remove old, cracked caulking from windows, and apply new caulking around the joints and frame. Replacing worn weather-stripping around exterior doors keeps cool air in, and hot air out.
    2. Reduce phantom loads: TVs, DVRs, cable boxes and home computers use power when turned “off.” reports phantom load can cost an average household up to $100 a year. What to do? Use power strips with multiple plug-ins, and turn them off when electronics aren’t in use.
    3. Stop the leaks: Repair leaky faucets and fixtures that are not only wasting water, but causing your well and, if the leaking water is hot, your water heater to cycle on more often.
    4. Build an outdoor clothesline: On average, a clothes dryer costs $.40 to dry one load of laundry. Skip the dryer and air-dry one load of laundry a day, and save almost $150 a year.
    5. Vacuum refrigerator coils: Once a year, vacuum away dirt and dust collected on your refrigerator coils to keep it running efficiently. Coils are located on the bottom or back of the appliance, and don’t forget to always unplug the refrigerator before servicing.


For more centsible energy saving ideas, visit


Read the full November 2017 SECO News here.


Fun, Food and Prizes at SECO’s 79th Annual Meeting

SECO Energy members are invited to spend a morning attending the cooperative’s 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 25. The meeting is held at the Annual Meeting Pavilion, located across the street from SECO’s corporate headquarters at the junction of highways 301 and 471 in Sumterville.


Arrive early and hungry. Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. and SECO is serving breakfast. Dine on fresh sausage, egg and cheese breakfast biscuits, Krispy Kreme donuts and a variety of cookies. Sip a hot cup of coffee, enjoy a soda or water, and tap your feet or line dance to live country music hits by Margo Rochelle and Rodeo Drive.


Learn more about energy efficiency and savings by exploring this year’s Energy Showcase. Visit with vendors providing energy efficient ideas and products, or drop by the SECO information booth to ask a question or inquire about a SECO product or service. Just outside the Energy Showcase, take a few minutes to view a brand-new rooftop solar photovoltaic system and solar demonstration. Use the Solar Estimator to eyeball what your costs might be for a solar array at your home or business.


Members who attend receive a gift bag containing two commemorative insulated steel tumblers, 2016 Annual Report, and an LED bulb – along with other giveaways in the Energy Showcase. Upon registering, drop your door prize ticket in the prize barrel for the grand prize drawing which will include cash prizes, an electric golf cart, a refurbished Dodge Dakota pickup truck and many other door prizes – many of which are donated by local businesses that are also SECO members. The business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. and the drawing for the grand prizes and door prizes takes place immediately after the business meeting ends – members must be present to win.

Fun, Food and Prizes


Stroll the grounds, look for our special characters, and find a member of SECO’s Facebook Help Squad to help you take and upload a photo. Members who “like” SECO’s Facebook page and interact online during the Annual Meeting, will be entered into a random drawing for a $300 bill credit. “Like” SECO Energy’s Facebook page before the meeting and find a Facebook Help Squad member during the meeting for assistance in entering the drawing for the $300 bill credit. Drawing for the Facebook bill credit takes place just before the business meeting begins – as with all of the prizes, the member must be present to win.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Mark your calendar and plan to attend SECO’s Annual Meeting. Enjoy breakfast on us, dance to the band, mingle with your neighbors and fellow members, determine new ways to lower your energy usage and maybe win a prize. Come out and experience the hospitality of SECO employees, which I believe is second to none.”


Ray Vick, Board of Trustees President, stated, “SECO’s Annual Meeting is the Board’s favorite event. Myself and my Trustee peers like to share SECO’s latest news and relish the chance to meet and get to know our fellow members. My fellow Trustees and I hope to see you there.”


Members should look for their personal invitation to the Meeting to arrive with their monthly energy bill between February 8 and March 10.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, November 2016

SECO News, Duncans Digest, November 2016


Duncan’s Digest

Most people would equate a company giving money back to their consumers with flying pigs. However, SECO Energy is different. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative owned by our members, pigs really do fly this time of year – putting money back in your pocket with another record Capital Credit retirement.


Here’s how it works: Your membership in SECO Energy builds ownership through your energy purchases. That ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s operating margins from the prior year. The annual amounts for each member who purchased electric service from SECO Energy during that year are referred to as Capital Credit allocations.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior year’s revenue after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses have been paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO Energy member’s account as “Capital Credits” and represent a portion of the member’s patronage with the cooperative in the prior fiscal year.


SECO Energy, SECO News November 2016 - Duncan's Digest, Putting Money Back In Your Pocket


During its September meeting, SECO’s Board of Trustees approved letting the proverbial pig fly with a record $5.1 million to be returned (retired) to members. Since SECO Energy’s inception, the co-op has retired more than $52.4 million to current and former members. This Capital Credits return is made possible by the sound financial stewardship of SECO’s Board, leadership team and employees. In a positive way, we really do reap what we “sow” – no pun intended.


Each current member receiving a Capital Credits retirement this year will see the amount on the November bill listed as a line item labeled Capital Credits. Visit our Capital Credits page if you have questions about Capital Credits.


SECO Energy, SECO News November 2016 - 2016 Hurricane Recap


2016 Hurricane Recap


Tropical Storm Colin made landfall in the late night hours on Monday, June 6. Colin is the first named storm to make landfall in Florida since Andrea in 2013. While Colin moved across the state, parts of SECO’s service area experienced tropical-storm-force winds and extended periods of heavy rainfall. Colin caused only a small number of outages in SECO’s area. Crews worked quickly and safely to restore these outages within hours.


Hurricane Hermine made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane in the Big Bend area on Friday, September 2. Hermine brought buckets of rain and high winds to the area, causing approximately 14,000 total service interruptions. Along with the hurricane, tornadoes touched down in Sumter County. Members in Marion, Levy and Citrus counties were hardest hit by Hurricane Hermine. The SECO team did a stellar job in quickly restoring power by midnight that Friday.


Hurricane Matthew became an extremely powerful Category 3 hurricane that hugged Florida’s east coast as it traveled north Thursday, October 6. Though Matthew didn’t make landfall in Florida, the storm brought rain and very strong winds to SECO’s service area. The hurricane accounted for approximately 28,000 outages for SECO members. The area hardest hit was east Lake County, which suffered extensive damage. Broken trees, damaged utility poles, flooding and roadway debris were challenges for SECO crews and contractors. By early Saturday afternoon, all SECO members’ power was restored.


SECO Energy, SECO News November 2016 - 2016 Hurricane Recap


SECO was Storm Ready and once again proved the team is the best-of-the-best. SECO enacted its emergency restoration plan and manned Customer Service and System Operations Centers round-the-clock until all restoration was complete. Members reported service interruptions online or called and spoke to a representative 24/7. Thousands of members reached out via Facebook and Twitter to ask questions about restoration and report unsafe conditions. Members on social media offered thanks, compliments, praise, prayers and well-wishes for the entire SECO team and the contractors working to restore power.


Thank you, SECO Energy members, for your patience and understanding, as well as your kind words, prayers and compliments – they are truly appreciated. Words cannot begin to express our gratitude.


SECO Energy, SECO News November 2016 - Power Outage Safety


Power Outage Safety


If a power outage occurs, contact SECO Energy right away. Don’t assume that someone else has already reported it, and don’t worry that we’re too busy. Every call and online outage report helps pinpoint the location and extent of an outage. Be sure to let us know if you see downed power lines or any damaged utility equipment. If there’s an immediate danger, call 911.


Don’t Use Candles

Avoid using candles during power out-ages – the risk of fire is too great. Use battery-powered lights, like a flashlight or LED lantern, for emergency lighting.


Protect Your Appliances

When a storm involves high winds or lightning, turn off and unplug as many appliances as possible (including your HVAC during a summer storm). This will prevent damage from a power surge when service is restored. After the storm has passed, flip the breakers back on, plug in and turn them on one at a time. Consider enrolling in our Surge Protection program.


Flood Dangers

If flooding occurs or is predicted in your area – do not use any electrical devices. Turn off the main circuit breaker or remove the primary fuse cartridge – but only if you can reach it without touching water.


To report outages quickly and easily online, bookmark Storm Center on your smartphone or tablet or call the outage hotline at (800) 732-6141.


SECO Energy, SECO News November 2016 - Holiday Energy Savings, Energy Efficiency


Holiday Energy Savings


The holiday season is upon us. Decorating, holiday gatherings and gift buying are in full swing. Here are a few tips to keep your energy-saving efforts intact while enjoying all the festivities.


Decorate with LED holiday lights. LED lights are more efficient, last longer and are safer than standard incandescent lights. The initial purchase cost is higher, but LEDs use much less energy and produce a lot less heat.


Holiday gatherings usually mean a lot of cooking. Don’t peek inside the oven. Each time you open the oven door, the temperature drops by as much as 25 degrees – forcing the oven to use more energy. It’s not necessary to pre-heat the oven for baking times over one hour. You can turn off the burner 5 to 10 minutes before the dish is done on an electric stove-top. Keep the lid on until time is up.


When it comes to gift buying, consider purchasing ENERGY STAR qualified items. Electronics such as computers, TVs and other appliances are popular choices. ENERGY STAR qualified products may cost more up front, but they will save in energy use for years to come.


SECO Energy, SECO News November 2016 - Area Light Out?


Area Light Out?


Do you or a neighbor have a SECO Energy area light that isn’t working properly? Is the light blinking, shining during daylight hours or off completely? Report area light problems day or night on our website. Lights are usually repaired within 72 hours. Have the pole number and location on hand if possible.


SECO Energy, Expressions




Members expressed their appreciation for the SECO Team’s hard work during Hurricane Matthew’s aftermath via our websites Contact Us page.


Larry Grose  –  I’ve been dealing with the public for many years and I am aware of people being the first to complain and seldom to offer atta-boys. I just would like to ask that you pass this along to the proper personnel. I want to offer an atta-boy and sincerely thank those involved for their hard work and restoring power to the homes on Firefox Lane. Your work is greatly appreciated and you are an asset to your employer and community.


Clint Moseley  –  I wanted to take some time to say thanks for the hard work of the folks at SECO Energy. Hurricane Matthew came through my area and I only lost power once in the middle of the night, which I suspect may have been a maintenance issue. I really appreciate it so much. You guys are wonderful and I am very lucky to have such a dedicated group of people servicing my energy needs. Thank you again and I hope you get more letters of gratitude because you guys deserve it!


Read the full November 2016 SECO News here.