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SECO News May 2024

During our 2024 Annual Meeting, I gave update on SECO Energy’s system reliability, reviewing three key metrics that affirm our commitment to providing reliable electric service to almost half a million consumers:


Wynn's Wire

  • The System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)
  • The System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)
  • The Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI)


In 2023, SECO’s SAIDI measurement, or average time a consumer was without power, averaged only 64 minutes or just over an hour. To compare, the national average based on 2022 data for utilities, was five and a half hours.


SAIFI indicates the frequency of power interruptions per year. SECO’s average frequency dipped below one for the first time in our 85-year history. In practical terms, on average, SECO members experienced only one power outage. Nationally, compared to 2022 figures, consumers experienced an average of 1.43 interruptions annually.


CAIDI evaluates the duration it takes our talented and dedicated SECO crews to restore power following an outage notification. In 2023, SECO’s restoration time was 69 minutes, slightly over an hour. This is quite remarkable, considering the national average from 2022 was nearly four hours.


These metrics place SECO in the “Best in Class” category for reliability, a position we’ve upheld for years.


The foundation of these statistics lies in continuous maintenance and ongoing investments in our electric infrastructure. Our engineering and operations team adheres to a meticulous maintenance and inspection regimen covering substations, poles, and overhead and underground equipment.


Our proactive approach to vegetation management, which involves trimming trees along hundreds of miles of power lines and removing potential hazards, further safeguards our system against outages.


While these reliability measurements are impressive, our focus remains on improving our performance. Last year, we were spared from severe damage during hurricane season. As we continue into 2024, we will plan and act decisively in response to severe weather events to ensure our reliability remains intact and you, our members, are satisfied.


Atlantic hurricane season is just around the corner, beginning on June 1. SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared for hurricanes, tropical storms, lightning, or the occasional outages experienced during our rainy summer. We ask you, too, to prepare for hurricane season, have a plan in place for your family, stock up early on hurricane supplies, and for those with a medical need for electricity, plan to have a backup power source or to seek shelter during a storm.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News May 2024 SECO Energy Energizes Education at Lake-Sumter State College


SECO Energy believes in demonstrating our commitment to education and empowering the next wave of professionals in the energy sector. In fact, Education, Training, and Information is one of the Seven Cooperative Principles that SECO Energy holds dear as a not-for-profit cooperative.


Lake-Sumter State College, located just around the corner from our Sumterville headquarters, is one of Florida’s leading colleges that trains students who are interested in a future energy career. The College desperately needed new wooden utility poles for firsthand student training exercises.


SECO Energy stepped up in a big way by donating utility poles to the College. This is a game-changer for students who will be our future lineworkers of tomorrow. Through SECO’s pole donation, students participate in hands-on learning setting up, climbing, and replacing utility poles —skills crucial for success in the energy field. This opportunity bridges classroom learning and real-world application, preparing students for the future in a tangible way.


Read on to learn how you can have a hand in educating future Florida lineworkers by purchasing a “Thank a Lineman” license plate today. Enjoy the photos of students in action, getting a head start on their future careers, thanks to the donation of utility poles from SECO Energy to Lake- Sumter State College.



SECO News May 2024 Vice President & District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt Thank A Lineman License Plate

Over the years, many members have asked how to show appreciation to SECO Energy lineworkers and utility personnel who tirelessly restore power after natural disasters. One impactful way is ordering a “Thank a Lineman” license plate. This initiative, which gained approval from the Florida Legislature in 2020 after Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1135 into law, allows members to express their gratitude and support to all the thousands of Florida lineworkers and utility personnel.


Ordering this license plate is more than a gesture of thanks; it directly contributes to a significant cause. The proceeds assist a key recruitment partner for SECO Energy, supporting the next generation of utility workforce. Specifically, $25 from each sale funds scholarships for students enrolling in Electric Utility programs at Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC). According to LSSC’s website (, the college is ranked nationally among the top 150 Community Colleges. This opportunity uniquely honors lineworkers while investing in the education and future of those entering the utility workforce in Central Florida.


To reserve your plate today, visit or contact your local county tax collector’s office. Purchase avenues vary from county to county.


The actual “Thank a Lineman” license plates will be available once the pre-sale threshold is met.



SECO News May 2024 Rate Tariff Update

EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2024, SECO Energy will implement several miscellaneous and lighting schedule fee adjustments detailed in the Cooperative’s Rate Tariff.


SECO Energy operates as a not-for-profit cooperative, structuring rates to cover operational costs rather than generate profits. Many of our posted miscellaneous fees have remained unchanged for over a decade. While we understand that any fee adjustment could affect our members, the miscellaneous fees added or changed will impact a small population and are designed to cover increased labor and material costs for specific services only.


TO REVIEW THE RATE TARIFF, visit >Your Co-op > Rate Tariff. These adjustments are necessary to maintain the reliability and sustainability of service.



SECO News May 2024 Bill Payment Mailing Address Change

SECO Energy’s payment address for check payment processing is changing as of June 1, 2024.

The new payment address is:


SECO Energy

P.O. Box 70997

Charlotte, NC 28272-0997


Instead of writing a monthly check, consider enrolling in bank draft. With bank draft, your payment will draft on the due date. Bank draft will alleviate the worry of a missed payment, or late fee. Bank draft is the least expensive payment option. The Cooperative currently absorbs the convenience fees charged to SECO when a member pays using a credit or debit card. To enroll in bank draft, contact Member Services at or enroll through SmartHub.


Read the full May 2024 SECO News.



SECO News April 2024

Thank you to all who tuned in to our 2024 Annual Meeting and participated in your cooperative’s governance process! If you were unable to tune in live, watch the Annual Meeting video on to see the list of 101 prize winners. The video is also available on YouTube and Facebook.


Wynn's Wire


17,209 members voted on Annual Meeting business. Both the revisions to SECO Energy’s Bylaws pertaining to District Meetings and Trustee qualifications and the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes were approved by the membership.


During the meeting, Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson and I provided an update on SECO Energy’s successful 2023, specifically celebrating our 85th anniversary as an electric cooperative. This significant milestone represents decades of service, innovation, and community involvement that originated from a collective effort of rural households in 1938. Our journey has brought electricity to over 240,000 members and employment opportunities to Central Florida making 2023 a truly remarkable achievement.


In response to growth and the evolving energy landscape, SECO Energy introduced a new Strategy Map at the start of 2023. Our Mission steadfastly remains committed to providing reliable and innovative energy services and our Vision is to lead the industry in member satisfaction and engagement while becoming the preferred employer in our region. This strategic approach enables the Cooperative to focus on our core business, navigate industry changes and rising costs, operate more efficiently, enhance member engagement, and overcome labor and supply chain shortages.


In 2022, the SECO Energy Board of Trustees approved a multi-million-dollar investment in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) with plans to implement the technology across our service area. AMI is one of the most innovative services investments we can provide that will reach practically every member.


Reducing labor and contractor costs, identifying service anomalies, and almost instantaneous power outage detection make AMI a win for members and the Cooperative.


AMI allows us to connect and engage directly with you through the system’s ability to provide real insight into your home’s energy use. This technology is the first step for SECO to open the door to new ideas and innovations. Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems, or DERMS, will pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure. Soon, you will be able to enroll your smart devices, such as your thermostat, water heater, Wi-Fi-connected whole home generator, batteries, and electric vehicle, to connect with our DERMS provider.


We plan to incentivize members who take advantage of this newer technology that will help us consume less energy when demand is high. Watch for an announcement of the program launch in an upcoming edition of SECO News.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News April 2024 Annual Meeting Trivia


If you missed this year’s Annual Meeting or didn’t win a prize, don’t worry – there’s a second chance to win. Simply head over to and play 2024 Annual Meeting trivia.



• Two (2) $250 SECO Energy bill credits

• Three (3) $100 Amazon gift cards

• Five (5) $50 SECO Energy bill credits


HOW DO YOU PLAY? On SECO Energy’s 2024 Annual Meeting trivia Facebook post, answer these five questions in the comments section:

1. What anniversary milestone did SECO Energy commemorate in 2023?

2. What was SECO Energy’s 2023 ACSI score?

3. How many Trustee Districts make up the SECO Energy Board?

4. What was the total number of members served by SECO Energy by the end of 2023?

5. What does AMI stand for?


NEED SOME HELP FINDING THE ANSWERS? No problem! Visit > Your Co-op > Annual Member Meeting and watch the recorded virtual meeting. You can submit your answers by mail to SECO Energy, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585, or play online. Make sure to submit your answers before June 14th. Winners will be notified by June 21st. GOOD LUCK!



2024 Annual Meeting Prize Winners

All members who voted on 2024 Annual Meeting business were eligible to win 1 of 101 prizes. To check and see if you’re one of the lucky winners, head over to > Your Co-Op > Annual Member Meeting.


In case you missed out on the live feed of the Annual Meeting, you can watch the video posted on our website and YouTube channel. Don’t miss the chance to catch up on the latest updates and to find out if you’re among the fortunate prize recipients!



SECO News April 2024 Tree Line USA


SECO Energy has been named a 2024 Tree Line USA Utility by the Arbor Day Foundation for 17 years in a row. Tree Line USA recognizes public and private utilities that help to preserve and enhance America’s urban forests. Nationally, Tree Line USA fosters the coexistence of reliable and safely delivered electricity with communities that maintain healthy trees.


To earn the Tree Line USA designation, SECO Energy meets five program standards: quality tree care, providing yearly worker training in best tree care practices, sponsoring a tree planting and education program, maintaining a tree-based energy conservation program, and participating in an Arbor Day celebration. Celebrate Arbor Day on Friday, April 26, by planting a tree. Be sure to call 811 before you dig and plant the tree away from overhead power lines.



SECO News April 2024 Invest In Surge Mitigator™ For A Chance To Win A Generator


SECO’s Surge MitiGator™ protection program takes the bite out of damaging spikes and surges, and you can too! Enroll in the Surge MitiGator™ program by June 30, 2024, for a chance to win one of three portable generators. Members in a current lease or have a previously purchased Surge MitiGator™ are automatically entered to win.


Scan the QR code or go to > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator™ and complete the web form to get started. We’ll pick a winner in April, May, and June.


The Surge MitiGator™ program provides a meter-based arrestor that acts as the first line of defense to block electrical disturbances from entering through the electric line before they damage appliances and lead to financial loss. Surges are often caused by lightning, vehicle accidents involving SECO Energy’s infrastructure, small animals, fallen trees, and other unforeseeable events.


Lease the Surge MitiGator™ for a monthly fee* of only $5.95 or purchase the protection for $349. Both options include a 15-year manufacturer warranty.


SECO Energy recommends installing point-of-use devices to provide additional protection for sensitive appliances inside the home. These can be purchased at most major home improvement stores.


*Plus tax and applicable installation fees.



SECO News April 2024 A Message from Presiden Anderson: National Safe Digging Month (811)


April is National Safe Digging Month, which serves as an important reminder to always know what lies beneath before breaking ground on any outside projects requiring digging.


It’s alarming to note that every year, millions of dollars in property damage, personal injury, and even fatalities occur due to accidental digging into buried utility lines. Whether you’re planning to install a fence, plant a tree, or embark on a construction project, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to know what’s below to avoid potential hazards underground before digging.



1. Plan Your Project. Gather specific information about your digging project, such as street address, type of project, and timeline.

2. Call 811 or Submit a Request Online at It’s free and easy. You’ll receive a ticket number and a list of public utility companies that will be notified of your intent to dig.

3. Wait Two Full Business Days. Affected public utilities will be notified of your intent to dig and will dispatch someone to the approximate location of these underground facilities on your property.

4. Confirm Utility Responses and Marks. Before breaking ground, confirm that all utilities have responded to your request and marked the appropriate locations.

5. Dig Carefully. If digging within 24 inches from the outer edge of each marked facility can’t be avoided, consider moving your project location.


Florida's Sunshine 811 logo

Ensuring your safety and the integrity of SECO Energy’s infrastructure remains the utmost priority. By following these steps and calling 811 before digging, you not only safeguard yourself but our entire community.


Let’s use this month as an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to prioritizing safety and ensuring that every digging project is approached with caution and foresight. Together, we can prevent accidents, protect infrastructure, and promote a safer environment for all.


Read the full April 2024 SECO News.

SECO Energy Earns 2019 Tree Line USA Recognition

SECO Energy is proud to announce it has earned the Tree Line USA Utility distinction from the Arbor Day Foundation. The cooperative has been named a Tree Line USA Utility for twelve consecutive years.


The Arbor Day Foundation created the Tree Line USA program to recognize public and private utilities for practices that protect and enhance America’s urban forests. A collaboration of the Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters, Tree Line USA promotes the dual goals of delivering safe and reliable electricity while maintaining healthy community trees.


To be named a Tree Line USA Utility, SECO follows the Arbor Day Foundation’s standards that include quality tree care, annual worker training, tree planting and public education, tree-based energy conservation programs and participation in an annual Arbor Day celebration event.


SECO contracts with professional utility tree trimming services that employ trimmers who are specially trained to perform work near electric lines. SECO’s contractors prune trees according to International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) standards that maintain a healthy tree structure and appearance.


“Trees are a critical part of urban landscapes all across the United States,” said Dan Lambe, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Service providers like SECO Energy demonstrate that it’s possible for trees and utilities to co-exist for the benefit of communities and citizens.”


CEO Jim Duncan is proud of SECO’s Vegetation Management team for their Tree Line USA recognition, stating “Congratulations to our Vegetation Management team for helping SECO earn its 12th consecutive Tree Line USA recognition. Reducing the potential for tree-caused outages and SECO’s commitment to member satisfaction is a delicate balance. Trees growing too close to power lines are a leading cause of power outages in our service area. Communicating with members about trimming near their property and following industry best practices for tree care promote healthy community trees while lowering the number of tree-caused outages and shortening outage duration.”


SECO encourages members to plant the right tree in the right place to reduce energy consumption and save on energy costs. To reduce cooling costs, plant deciduous trees to the south, southwest or west sides of structures to reduce heat from the summer sun. To reduce heating costs, plant evergreens and shrubs on the north and west sides of structures to block winds. Trees that grow to a mature height of over 40 feet should never be planted near power lines.


Learn more about landscaping to reduce energy costs or planting the right tree in the right place online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, June 2017

SECO News June 2017, Duncan’s Digest

Duncan’s Digest


Dear SECO Energy Members,

From the torch, to the oil lamp, to the Edison incandescent, to the CFL and LED, lighting has changed dramatically with the times. To “let there be light” today, SECO Energy must also change with the advancements of our industry. We must control costs and provide a high level of customer service. That’s what you expect and deserve, and we stand ready to fulfill your energy needs.


With our 2016 Annual Report and audit complete, I am proud and humbled to share strong fiscal results. Staying ahead of growing power demand is a challenge that is capital and expense intensive. It is a delicate balance of design, construction, maintenance and vegetation management.


Illuminating your homes and powering your appliances and electronics is a 24/7 responsibility. “Storm Ready” is SECO’s motto when Hurricane Season converges on The Sunshine State on June 1. If a storm blows through and on the rare occasion when the lights go out, you can bet that our crews and contractors are staged and on the move to restore power the moment it’s safe. Our Emergency Restoration Plan and investments in storm preparation ensure that you will not go without power for an extended period of time.


Our dedication to you over the last decade of service improvements has manifested in SECO Energy earning two consecutive J.D. Power awards for highest customer satisfaction in the nation in our segment. The cooperative’s ACSI score improved in 2016 to 89 – an outstanding rating, especially when compared to investor-owned and municipal utilities.


What distinguishes SECO from other providers is called the cooperative difference, and is made possible by our Board of Trustees’ governance, our executive team’s leadership and, most important, the dedication and hard work of the 400+ SECO Energy employees. Learn more in the online version of the 2016 Annual Report.


Thank you, members, for rating SECO so highly and for your loyal patronage. We are humbled and privileged to serve as your Central Florida energy provider.


Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


SECO News June 2017, Surge Protection: Protect your Appliances and Win


Surge Protection: Protect your Appliances and Win


With Atlantic Hurricane Season in full swing, are your large appliances protected from harmful power surges? Would you like a chance to win a $300 bill credit? Read on to learn more about SECO’s surge protection program and a chance to win.


During the month of June, The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts daily thunderstorms with an above average rainfall. That means Florida’s daily afternoon thunderstorms will likely bring large amounts of rain, high winds and damaging lightning.


In addition, birds, small animals, falling trees or vehicles crashing into SECO power poles can cause power surges. Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and other electronic devices in your home.


SECO’s surge protection is proudly “Made in the USA” and helps you protect large appliances from damaging power surges. A certified SECO contractor will install the meter base surge arrester behind your electric meter, no appointment needed. Members can lease the surge protection for $5.95 a month with a $25 installation fee, or purchase the product for $349 with installation included. The meter base arrester is just the first step to complete protection. Members should also purchase “point of use” devices from their local home improvement or hardware store to protect sensitive electronic equipment such as televisions, computers, cordless phones and more.


All members enrolled in SECO’s surge protection program will be entered into a random drawing for a $300 bill credit. Enroll by August 15 for your chance to win. Members who currently have surge protection are already entered into the drawing.


Learn more about SECO’s surge protection and enroll online. Good luck!


SECO News June 2017, Hot Bucks cooling down


Hot Bucks Cooling Down


Natural gas consumption in the power sector has risen 25% in recent years. The U.S. Energy Information Administration forecast that natural gas prices will rise about 20% in 2017. That prediction is beginning to play out.


The overall natural gas price outlook for Q3-Q4 2017 and NYMEX futures prices indicate that rock bottom gas prices under $3/MMBtu are over. Utilities across The Sunshine State are filing for rate increases as a result.


SECO Energy members have benefitted from three years of steadily declining power costs – a decrease of about 12 percent during that timeframe. But now we must respond to the changing fuel market trends.


As a result, SECO must adjust the PCA – Power Cost Adjustment – component of your bill. Rather than paying $112.60 for 1,000 kilowatt hours, members will begin paying $114.90 for that same average usage beginning July 1 as approved by the Board of Trustees.


The SECO increase is $2.30 per 1,000 kWh. Comparatively, Duke Energy’s increase that took effect in January was $4.39 per 1,000 kWh, and Florida Power & Light’s was $7.00 – reflections of the changing market.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s financial stability in the 2016 Annual Report.



Read the full June 2017 SECO News here.

SECO Joins Earthfest at Arbor Day in Ocala

SECO Energy’s Vegetation Management team participated in the City of Ocala’s Earthfest at Arbor Day in the Great Outdoors on Saturday, April 22, at Tuscawilla Park in Ocala.


Hundreds of guest visited Tuscawilla Park in downtown Ocala, to enjoy the lovely spring weather and visit with vendors and participants in celebration of Earth Day and Arbor Day. Visitors to SECO Energy’s booth took home over 125 free trees, lots of additional give-aways and the children enjoyed the face painting.


SECO’s Vegetation Management team of certified arborists, who have been specially trained in all aspects of arboriculture, were on-hand to lend advice to the new tree owners. SECO’s arborists shared proper tree planting, pruning, and long-term care and maintenance advice for specific tree species. Arborists also answered additional tree-related questions and advised planters where to best plant their new trees to save on energy costs.


In April, SECO was pleased to announce that the utility was once again recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Line USA Utility. This is the tenth year SECO has earned the honor of this designation.


John LaSelva, SECO’s Vice President of Operations stated, “I hope all who visited the SECO team at Earthfest at Arbor Day enjoyed the face painting, prizes and free trees. SECO is proud to share its tree-related knowledge with the public to promote greener landscapes. Would you like to save energy and lower your monthly energy costs? Consider planting trees. Trees not only beautify outdoor spaces and provide cleaner air – they are also a simple energy-efficiency tool. Trees planted near your home offer shade during the summer, resulting in lower energy costs.”


Learn more about tree-line safety, how trees can save energy and planting the right tree in the right place on our website. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Earns Tree Line USA Utility for Tenth Year

SECO Energy is proud to announce it has once again been recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Line USA Utility. This is the tenth year SECO has earned the honor of this designation.


According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the Tree Line USA program exists to recognize best practices in public and private utility arboriculture, demonstrating how trees and utilities can co-exist for the benefit of communities and citizens.


SECO successfully earned its Tree Line USA Utility designation by adhering to the Arbor Day Foundation’s five core standards. SECO practices quality tree care, trains utility employees and contractors annually about best practices, sponsors tree planting and public education, offers a tree-based energy conservation program and participates in an Arbor Day Celebration.


Dan Lambe, Arbor Day Foundation President, praised SECO’s tenth Tree Line USA designation. Lambe stated, “Your commitment to proper tree-care practice benefits your customers in numerous ways, including providing cleaner air and water, increasing property values and improving quality-of-life. Trees also conserve energy and reduce peak demand, a crucial benefit to customers and providers alike.”


John LaSelva, SECO’s Vice President of Operations stated, “I am extremely proud of the Vegetation Management team for its decade-long commitment to the Arbor Day Foundation. SECO’s team of certified arborists have the tools and knowledge to promote a healthy urban forest while reducing tree-caused outages.”


Enjoy a family-friendly event and visit with SECO’s Vegetation Management team at Earthfest at Arbor Day in the Great Outdoors on Saturday, April 22. The event is located at Tuscawilla Park, at 829 NE Sanchez Avenue in Ocala.


Learn more about tree-line safety and how trees can save energy on our Reliability page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Employees Aid in Power Restoration for Clay Electric Members

Late Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning, a strong line of thunderstorms swept into SECO Energy territory. Heavy rains soaked the area causing downed trees, poles and electric lines.


Central Florida has been the target of powerful winter thunderstorms this year, and SECO’s system continues to fare very well. This stability is attributed to solid design, quality construction, consistent maintenance and balanced vegetation management protocol.


At the height of the storms, almost 4,000 SECO members in Marion and Levy Counties experienced a service interruption when a Duke Energy transmission line failed. A second large-scale outage occurred when a tree fell into a line, affecting the Westwood Acres and Rainbow Lakes communities. SECO Operations employees were immediately dispatched to the affected area and worked throughout the night. Service was restored to all members by 5:30 a.m. Wednesday.


Clay Electric Cooperative’s members were affected by widespread outages due to the strong late night storms and asked SECO for aid. SECO was fortunate to have recovered quickly from the storm and was more than willing to lend a hand to a fellow electric cooperative. The SECO Operations team jumped into action. In just over an hour, the cooperative sent 20 of SECO’s employees to help restore power and also sent released 11 of its contracted line crews to Clay’s service area that afternoon.

Crews travel to Clay Electric

John LaSelva, Vice President of Operations, stated, “SECO is always willing to assist our neighbors when possible. We have answered the call to assist fellow cooperatives, investor-owned utilities and municipalities, and understand our duty to render aid when needed. SECO’s efforts to storm harden its system continue to pay off. A well-designed system that includes comprehensive vegetation management is key to not only preventing outages but is paramount to restoring outages quickly and safely when they occur.”


LaSelva added, “The most important consideration is the energy consumer. Power is necessary for SECO members, and all consumers for that matter, to maintain their quality of life. SECO supports cooperation among cooperatives and stands Storm Ready when weather conditions turn volatile in The Sunshine State.”


Learn more about preparing your family’s emergency kit online. Bookmark SECO’s Storm Center so you can quickly report an outage using just your last name and house number. Establish a SmartHub account or download the app to update your phone number. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, June 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016


If the warmer than normal Spring is any indication, it looks like another hot Florida summer is just around the corner. As Floridians know, hurricane season started on June 1st. I want to assure you, our members, that SECO Energy and its employees are “Storm Ready.”


From the members’ perspective, what does that mean? Storm Ready doesn’t begin with storm season; Storm Ready is designing, building and maintaining a reliable system that delivers power to SECO members rain or shine. Supported by a number of behind-the-scenes departments, the employees from our Operations department – the good guys in the white hats – are the cavalcade of employees and their trucks that members look for during a service interruption. These employees work diligently to restore power quickly and safely. In the meantime, our member service employees stand ready to take your calls, and our Corporate Communications folks update website and social media communications to provide the latest information on outage statuses.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016


Restoring power quickly during storm season is only a small portion of SECO’s reliability focus. Our employees and contractor partners continually inspect, maintain and upgrade existing facilities. In 2015, we inspected 19,923 distribution poles and replaced 3,208 of them. To improve data communication between substation equipment and our System Operations Center, SECO upgraded to fiber optic communications for data transfer. The System Operations Center is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and stands ready to assist members outside of normal business hours.


To maximize outage prevention efforts, we must first identify the most frequent causes. Tree-related outages are the number one reason why members lose power (small animal incidents take a close second). In the last decade, SECO has focused on creating a comprehensive vegetation management program and has dramatically reduced power outages related to trees. For nine years running, SECO has been nationally recognized as a Tree Line USA Utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation.


This is only a small overview of the accomplishments and responsibilities related to outage prevention and restoration. Daily afternoon storms are coming soon, so get to know SECO’s Storm Center by visiting where members can report power outages and watch for updates on restoration efforts in your area. “Like” SECO’s page on Facebook and follow SECO on Twitter for instant updates and news releases. Lastly, visit to review our Emergency Checklist to ensure you and your family are Storm Ready too.



SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community


Commitment to Community

As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy supports its members and the communities it serves by engaging in charitable projects. SECO employees also embrace their communities by volunteering hundreds of hours of their personal time on charitable projects they choose to support. Whether it’s coaching youth sports, running 5K races or volunteering for (and pledging to) United Way, members can find our SECO employee volunteers out and about building stronger communities.


This spring, SECO and its employees participated in events that showcased our beautiful outdoor spaces, contributed to the fight against cancer and awarded financial assistance to young scholars beginning their college careers.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Earth Fest and Arbor Day


Earthfest at Arbor Day

In April, SECO Energy’s Vegetation Management team celebrated the great outdoors at the Earthfest at Arbor Day event in downtown Ocala’s Tuscawilla Park. Families enjoyed the lovely spring weather, food, crafts, demonstrations and live entertainment. The SECO team gave away several hundred trees and children loved the face painting, coloring books and additional giveaways.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Arbor Day


Visitors took the opportunity to ask our Certified Arborists for tree-care tips and for planting advice for the trees they took home. Supported by our partners, ACRT and Nelson Tree, SECO has been a proud recipient of the Tree Line USA distinction by the National Arbor Day Foundation for nine years.


Sumter County’s Relay for Life

In late April, the SECO Relay for Life team participated in the American Cancer Society’s fundraiser. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event. It raises donations for cancer research as well as support for cancer patients and their caregivers.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Relay for life


This year’s theme was “Stopping Cancer in its Tracks,” inspired by the iconic television show Soul Train. SECO team members and other volunteers boogied through the night and into the morning to represent their commitment to continue the fight against cancer. Our SECO team’s fundraising efforts paid off, raising over $12,000 for the American Cancer Society.


Scholarship Program

Now in its 20th year, the SECO Board of Trustees approved $36,000 for deserving high school seniors. The 12 students from our service area were each awarded a $3,000 scholarship.


SECO Energy, 2016 Scholarship Awardees


This year the seniors and their families were honored with a reception at SECO’s headquarters on May 23rd. Visit to see their names and photos. Since beginning the program, SECO has awarded 257 scholarships totaling over $500,000 to young people whose families’ energy needs are served by SECO.


As a member, how can you help your community and fellow members in need? Enroll in SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program. Pennies from Heaven automatically rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar amount. The extra pennies (which average about $6 annually) are donated to the Pennies from Heaven program. Every cent collected is distributed here in our local communities and to our members for bill payment assistance.


Enroll online at under Your Co-op > Community > Pennies from Heaven. Or you can call us at (352) 793-3801 or email to enroll.



SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - energy saving tip


Energy Saving Tip

The heat leading up to the 2016 Florida summer is here, and The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that June will be a little hotter than normal. Now is a perfect time to have your HVAC unit serviced to ensure your unit is running efficiently before summer gets into full swing. Change your filter regularly too. Order discounted filters (free shipping) from


Programmable thermostats offer preprogramed settings to regulate the temperature in your home. Installing a programmable thermostat can help homeowners reduce their energy usage and save on electric bills.


A programmable thermostat will adjust the times that the air conditioning or heating system operates. Most new programmable thermostats adjust while you are away during the day, while you are sleeping, have vacation mode and include an app that allows you to adjust on the fly.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - energy saving tip


The website reports consumers can save between 5 and 15 percent on electric bills by using a programmable thermostat. For the most savings, set the thermostat to adjust the temperature in portions of time at least four hours in length.


If you have additional questions about installing a programmable thermostat, you should contact a certified HVAC contractor for assistance. [237021] As a member of SECO Energy, your Co-op Connections card offers discounts to many local businesses. Look for a local HVAC contractor that offers members a discount by visiting


Looking for more ways to save energy and reduce your electric bill? Please contact us at (352) 793-3801 or email to learn more ways to save energy and reduce your electric bill.



SECO Energy, Expressions



Recently we had the honor and privilege to participate at the Annual Meeting of SECO Energy. We sincerely hope that we provided what was expected and in a manner that dignified the occasion. The donation was extremely appreciated and will be used to aid needy veterans. Should we be of any future service, please contact us.
Donald Saylor
Commander – Honor Guard, VFW Post #4337
Inverness, FL


Want you to know how much I appreciate SECO. Your company goes far beyond what is expected. Thank you for fighting to keep our cost down. I am on Social Security; it is a blessing to see a low electric bill.
Thank you again & God Bless,
Mrs. Barbara Marsh
Ocala, FL



SECO Energy, Call 811 before you dig


Read the full June 2016 SECO News here.


Free Trees – Earthfest at Arbor Day

SECO Energy is spreading the word about the City of Ocala’s Earthfest at Arbor Day on Saturday, April 23. Earthfest at Arbor Day is a family-friendly event featuring live entertainment, youth archery, crafts, demonstrations, food and fun.


As an Oak Tree Sponsor of Earthfest at Arbor Day, SECO Energy will have an array of giveaways, information and activities at its booth. Representatives from SECO Energy’s Vegetation Management team of Certified Arborists will be on hand to answer questions about trees native to Florida and offer tree planting advice. Visit SECO’s booth for face painting for the kids, tree giveaways and more!


Free Trees - Earth fest at Arbor Day


SECO Energy and its Vegetation Management team are committed to maintaining and improving the urban forests in its service area. For nine years running, the Arbor Day Foundation has recognized SECO as a Tree Line USA Utility. To be designated a Tree Line USA Utility, SECO follows five core standards: quality tree care, annual worker training, tree planting and public education, a tree-based energy conservation program and participating in an Arbor Day celebration.


Ken Lacasse, SECO Energy’s Manager of System Reliability believes that SECO’s successful vegetation management program has improved power reliability and power quality. “Over the last decade, SECO Energy has honed a comprehensive Vegetation Management program. SECO’s proactive response to vegetation near overhead power lines has consistently reduced tree-related service interruptions and maintained healthy trees along our rights-of-way.”


Free Trees - Earth fest at Arbor Day


In fact, SECO Energy was awarded the J. D. Power Award in 2015 for, “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Midsize Utilities in the South”. The level of customer satisfaction with SECO is also reflected in its 2015 ACSI score of 88.


SECO Energy’s Vice President of Operations John LaSelva stated, “Concern for Community is one of the seven cooperative principles. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy is proud to show its commitment to the community through its Tree Line USA Utility distinction and its presence at community events such as Earthfest at Arbor Day.”


Earthfest at Arbor takes place in beautiful downtown Ocala’s Tuscawilla Park located at 300 NE Sanchez Ave, the fun begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m.