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SECO News, February 2017

Duncan’s Digest: 2017 Annual Meeting

It’s that time of year, and we are gearing up for our 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership. The event takes place on Saturday, March 25, at our Sumterville Compound at 293 S. Highway 301. Gates open at 8:00 a.m., registration opens at 8:30 a.m. and the business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m.


Our Annual Meeting is about you – our member. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is operated for the benefit of and owned by the members. SECO does not share dividends with stockholders or investors. Instead, and per the requirements of our business model and bylaws, our margins are allocated to the members themselves, used as equity for the financial health of the cooperative and returned/retired to the members upon Board of Trustee approval.

Fun, Food and Prizes


However, the meeting isn’t all business – we have fun around here too. Join us for breakfast biscuits, coffee, sodas, doughnuts and cookies. Browse our Energy Showcase to learn more about energy savings and visit with SECO’s energy partners. Kick up your heels to some of the best live entertainment by Margo Rochelle and the Rodeo Drive band. And visit with the Facebook Help Squad to learn how to enter the Facebook drawing for the $300 bill credit.


If you’ve attended before, you know that we give away prizes galore! The grand prizes up for grabs this year are $1,500 in cash, a truck and a golf cart. SECO is also giving away a $1,000 cash prize, two $500 cash prizes and a $300 Facebook bill credit. Additionally, we have a host of door prizes – many of which are donated by local businesses and vendors that are also our members.


All registered members receive a special SECO gift and a copy of our 2016 Annual Report, with an additional gift available in the Energy Showcase. A Q&A session wraps up the business meeting, so don’t be shy about asking a question. The door prizes start after the business meeting portion, so be sure to stay for the entire meeting. Given that we host nearly 4,000 guests in a short timeframe, parking is a pretty well-oiled machine managed by SECO employees supported by local law enforcement.

Annual Meeting Invite 2017


Your official Annual Meeting notice will arrive in either your February or March billing statement – depending on the date of your billing cycle. You don’t need to bring the notice to the meeting with you as we’ve developed an electronic check in process that works best with a copy of your bill. Join me, along with your fellow cooperative members, the SECO Board of Trustees and many of SECO’s employees for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Membership.


Let’s pray for mild weather this year. I hope to see each of you there.


Read the full February 2017 SECO News here.

SECO News, September 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016

Conduct a Home Energy Assessment Online


Your happiness with SECO Energy is dependent on low rates, high reliability and help managing your energy use to keep your bills low. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we’re one of those rare companies that actually want you to use less of our product. So to help you identify energy-wasters in your home, SECO has developed an online Home Energy Assessment. By answering a short series of questions in four quick steps, you’ll input simple answers that allows SECO to send you an email – within minutes – that provides low-cost and no-cost energy-saving tools and tips to cut down on your usage – thus lowering your electric bill.


The Home Energy Assessment is easy. There’s no math to do and all you need to start is your electric bill to input your account number. Take the Home Energy Assessment today and start saving money and energy. The email you receive comes in checklist format, giving you a step-by-step path to lowering your bill.


SECO Energy, SECO News September 2016, Duncan's Digest - Take the Home Energy Assessment survey today


Find the Home Energy Assessment here. If you’re not so tech savvy and rely more on pencil and paper, just give us a call and we’ll mail the assessment to you. If you’re looking for a way to save big money, visit our Facebook page for the latest trivia contest. Not only could you win a $300 bill credit, you’ll have access to real-time outage and restoration information, the latest energy-efficiency gadget news, community outreach projects and more..



SECO Stands Storm Ready


Storm Ready


We are mid-way through the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season. Hopefully, Floridians will dodge the hurricane and tropical storm bullet again this year, but the month of September is often the most active of the season, so we shall see. Even though Tropical Storm Colin (the earliest third named storm in the Atlantic in recorded history) is the only tropical event that made landfall so far this year, SECO remains vigilant and Storm Ready.


SECO’s Operations employees stand ready to respond to outages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. SECO’s local customer service team is available to answer member phone calls (and emails) and assist members in one of our five convenient office locations. Members can interact with our Communications team live on social media for outage information, weather affecting our area and cooperative updates. Also, visit our Storm Preparedness to review our Emergency Preparation Checklist with your family so you can stay safe and Storm Ready!




Bill Enhancement


When you open your bill, the new graph will make it easy to track usage on a monthly basis and know if you used more or less energy the same month the previous year.


Members can also track energy usage through SmartHub, SECO’s online account management tool. Access SmartHub on your computer, tablet or smartphone to view or pay a current bill, review a previous bill, compare yearly or monthly energy use, update your mailing address or phone numbers and view SECO’s social media feeds. Visit My Account and register for SmartHub today.


SECO Energy, SECO News September 2016, Bill Enhancement



SECO Energy, SECO News September 2016, Top 10 Safety Tips for Kids


Safety Corner: Top 10 Kids’ Safety Tips


Electricity is everywhere. It lights our homes, charges our phones, runs our appliances and powers our quality of life. But electricity can be dangerous. Explain to your kids how electricity works and warn them why it’s important to follow these safety tips.

  1. Never put fingers, toys or other objects in an electrical outlet
  2. Keep metal objects out of toasters
  3. Never use anything with a cord or plug around water
  4. Never pull a plug from an outlet by its cord
  5. Stay away from substations and power lines
  6. Never fly kites or climb trees near power lines
  7. Never place your drinks on top of electronics
  8. Stay away from broken or fallen power lines
  9. Never touch big, green metal transformer boxes
  10. Obey warning signs on power poles, substations and transformer boxes



SECO News May 2016, Winner Winner! $300 Electric Bill Credit!


Facebook Trivia Winners


Congratulations SECO Energy member Craig McDade of Belleview who correctly answered our three surge trivia questions on Facebook. Craig was randomly selected as our winner of the $300 bill credit. Eric Schwab from Leesburg is the winner of the Kindle Fire and Eleanor Newton, also from Leesburg, is the winner of a $25 restaurant gift card. Congratulations Craig, Eric and Eleanor!


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” us on Twitter for future chances to win. Not tech savvy? Look for the last six digits of your account number in this month’s SECO News for a chance to win a $25 restaurant gift card. Call or email us if your number appears. Good luck!



SECO Energy, September 2016, Co-op Votes, Join today



SECO Energy, Expressions



I would just like to say thank you for the opportunity you gave me in receiving your scholarship, and for seeing something in me. With this I will have a greater chance in succeeding in everything I want to do in college, and for that I am extremely thankful. I would also like to thank all of SECO for the celebration we had with all of the winners as it was a very enjoyable time for my mom and I.

Once again thank you for everything.
Raul Bayas
Ocala, FL


I wish to express my utmost gratitude to you for choosing me as a recipient of the 2016 SECO Scholarship. By providing such an award you are furthering my academic success in the future by allowing me to focus whole-heartedly on my studies. I cannot adequately express my thanks for not only what you have done for me, but many students before and after me who would be far less likely to succeed if it weren’t for people like you.

Thank you,
Cayley Buckner
Ocala, FL


Read the full September 2016 SECO News here.


SECO News, August 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016


In 2015, the J. D. Power Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study ranked SECO Energy “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Midsize Utilities in the South.” Words cannot express the gratitude our Board of Trustees, leadership team and employees felt after winning such a prestigious, humbling award. The entire cooperative was inspired, setting our sights on a repeat performance with continued improvement in serving our members.


You, our members, ranked SECO highly again in 2016, honoring us with another J.D. Power trophy. We are referring to the pair as our “Dynamic Duo.” This year’s ranking placed SECO Energy in a segment with the toughest competition – all cooperatives across the nation with over 100,000 meters.


On July 12, J.D. Power announced that SECO Energy has been ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Electric Cooperatives.”
J.D. Power’s six scored factors are:

  1. power quality and reliability
  2. price
  3. billing and payment
  4. corporate citizenship
  5. communications
  6. customer service


SECO’s 2016 overall customer satisfaction score this year is an astonishing 769, which is a 20-point increase from our 2015 score. This increase reflects significant efforts by our employees to improve the level of service you receive from SECO.


SECO Energy, SECO News August 2016, Duncan's Digest


Our Operations & Engineering employees focused on reducing outage durations and improving facilities to deliver safe, reliable power. Member communications have been modernized through our redesigned website, online “Contact Us” web form and stronger social media usage. SECO News is more interesting – promoting energy efficiency, safety and ways for members to win bill credits and prizes.


Customer Service folks answered more than 300,000 phone calls in the last year and handled nearly 250,000 transactions in our Service Centers. Our Billing team generated nearly 2.5 million billing statements in the last 12 months.


SECO’s sound financial management allowed us to retire $4.6 million in Capital Credits to members in 2015 ($47.3 million since inception). And most important, we dropped the cost of electricity again on June 1st – the 8th decrease of members’ bills in the last three years.


Historically, electric cooperatives rank the best of the best in customer satisfaction compared to municipal and investor-owned utilities. Electric cooperatives are owned by the members they serve, which means our Board of Trustees, leadership team and employees focus on our most important asset: you, our member.


Thank you, members, for ranking YOUR electric cooperative as the best in the nation. It is our privilege and pleasure to serve as your electric provider.





Community Support


Red Nose Day

SECO Energy employees and members brought the laughs and raised $1,181 to support FUN-raising on Red Nose Day. Wearing big, red noses may be fun, but Red Nose Day is serious support for many global charities. Donations contribute to meals for children in homeless shelters, antibiotics to treat pneumonia, eye exams, medical supplies and support homeless shelters for children.


Trees Donated to Habitat

This summer, SECO added to the beauty of the urban forest and energized the community by donating trees and shrubs to Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter. For nine years in a row, SECO has been recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Line USA utility. The collection of cypress trees, loropetalum bushes, bougainvillea and lily hybrids will be planted at various Habitat projects in Lake and Sumter Counties.


Trees beautify communities and save energy when planted in the right place. Shade from trees can reduce cooling costs and trees block wind in the winter to reduce heating costs. To learn more about planting the right tree in the right place and saving energy, visit the Reliability section of our website.


Community Action Luncheon

SECO Energy representatives attended the Central Florida Community Action Agency (CFCAA) Annual Awards Luncheon. As a Diamond level sponsor, SECO joined community leaders in honoring the CFCAA board members, staff and area residents who dedicate their time to enrich the lives of Alachua, Levy and Marion county citizens. The CFCAA’s purpose is to reduce poverty and help low income individuals and families become self sufficient. Photo inset: CFCAA CEO, Charles J. Harris Jr., with the Honorary Senior Judge Sandra E. Champ.


SECO Energy COMMUNITY SUPPORT 2016, Pennies from Heaven


Extra Pennies?

Partner with SECO to help your neighbors in need. SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program rounds up your electric bill to the nearest dollar. The pennies donated are used to assist fellow SECO members with bill payment and to help members in dire and unique circumstances. Sign up for Pennies from Heaven today.



SECO Energy, New Fleet Look


New Fleet Look

Have you seen our new look? Our entire fleet’s branding has been redesigned to display SECO Energy’s new logo. We think it looks pretty snazzy; do you?





Community Solar Project

In June, SECO Energy’s wholesale power provider Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. began construction on its 2.2 megawatt solar facility. SECO members will have the ability to live a greener lifestyle and reduce their carbon footprint by enrolling in this upcoming Cooperative Solar Project. The enrollment process is slated to begin in October, and the project should be operational by 2017. Watch for more details on our website.



SECO Energy, Energy Efficiency, Cash-saving Splash


Energy Efficiency: Cash-saving Splash

Florida summers are long and hot. One of the best ways to beat the heat is in the family pool. Although the cost of running a pool adds a little to your electric bill, there are ways you can save.


Variable-speed pumps are the best energy saver. They are much more energy efficient than traditional, single-speed pool pumps. Before spending the money on costly repairs for an older pump, consider upgrading to the newer technology. Regardless of the type of pump, install a pool timer and set to operate 6-8 hours daily during the summer and 3-4 hours daily during the winter.


If you’re thinking about heating your pool, think solar. Solar panels are the most economical way to heat the water. The next best energy-saving option is a heat pump pool heater. To reduce heat loss, utilize a pool cover. Covering your pool when not in use is the single most effective means of reducing heating costs and can save you as much as 70% in electric costs.


For more information on how to save energy or to learn more about SECO Energy products and services, visit our website’s Energy Solutions section.



Scam Alert

Slam the Door on Scams

SECO is cautioning members to slam the door on utility scams. Exercise caution when answering the door – don’t get scammed. All SECO employees carry – company issued identification – don’t hesitate to ask to see an employee’s identification. All approved SECO contractors display an “Authorized SECO Contractor” sign on their trucks, and members can view the list of authorized contractors at SECOEnergy. com under the Reliability tab.


If you receive a call threatening disconnection of service if the bill is not paid immediately, or have a question about an employee or contractor call SECO at (352) 793-3801. Prevent any bill payment confusion by enrolling in automatic bank draft today – call us or establish an online account at Don’t let scammers in – slam the door!



SECO News May 2016, Winner Winner! $300 Electric Bill Credit!


Facebook Winners

Congratulations to SECO Energy member Mary Wimberly of Wildwood who correctly answered our three outage prevention trivia questions on Facebook. Mary was randomly selected as our winner of the $300 electric bill credit. Congratulations, Mary!


Scott Bidgood of Ocala is the winner of our “Dodged a Bullet” gift basket. Scott posted photos and offered members additional storm preparedness tips on Facebook. Congratulations, Scott we hope you enjoy your goodies!


Be sure to “like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” us on Twitter for more chances to win. Also, look for the last six digits of your account number in this month’s SECO News for a chance to win a $25 restaurant gift card. Call or email us if your number appears. Good luck!


Read the full August 2016 SECO News here.


SECO News, July 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016


Do you want to engage with SECO? I can think of at least ten ways for you to connect with us.
You can:

  1. Call
  2. Email
  3. Tweet
  4. Fill out a web form
  5. Upload Instagram photos
  6. Watch our YouTube channel
  7. Send a Facebook private message
  8. Comment on the Newsroom blog
  9. Check-in or comment on Facebook
  10. Visit us in person at one of our five locations


Now that you know how to engage with SECO Energy, let’s count the reasons why. You can:

  1. Request a free home energy audit
  2. Enroll in SECO’s Surge Protection Program
  3. Order deeply discounted HVAC filters with free delivery
  4. Visit with a member services representative about your bill
  5. Make a payment at a kiosk or in person with a representative
  6. Ask questions about your home’s conduciveness to rooftop solar
  7. Enter trivia contests on Facebook and win a $300 electric bill credit
  8. Establish an online account through SmartHub to view past billing
  9. Watch this year’s Annual Meeting video and learn about company news
  10. Find the estimated time of restoration for an outage affecting your area


In this day and age, we know we can’t just push information to you and meet today’s expectations. The communication must allow two-way dialogue, and we do our best to be responsive 24/7 and 365 days a year (366 this year since it’s leap year). I hope you’ll engage with us soon. We are always privileged to hear from our members.



SECO Energy, 2016 Scholarship Awardees


Community Support

SECO Energy’s 2016 scholarship awardees are truly the best of the best! As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO supports the communities we serve. In the 20 years since we began the scholarship program, we have enabled 257 young people to begin their dreams of a college education. Here at SECO, we are proud of our scholars and would like to introduce them to our members.


The twelve scholars this year were each awarded a $3,000 scholarship for the university, accredited college or vocational/technical school of their choice. Since the program’s inception in 1996, we have pledged over $500,000 in scholarships to young people in our service area.


Congratulations, 2016 scholarship awardees!

  • Merari Saldana, West Port High School – Majoring in Psychology at the University of Florida.
  • Megan Elliott, Tavares High School – Majoring in Mechanical Engineering at University of Central Florida.
  • Citlali Barragan-Hernandez, Belleview High School – Majoring in Biology at the University of Florida.
  • James Cato, Lake Weir High School – Majoring in Business Management at Warner University.
  • Cayley Buckner,West Port High School – Double majoring in Ecology and Creative Writing at Warren Wilson College.
  • Melissa Moreno, West Port High School – Plans to obtain a doctorate in Optometry from the University of Florida.
  • Shelby Smith, South Sumter High School – Majoring in Biology at Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College in Georgia.
  • Ana Mata, Belleview High School – Majoring in Business Administration/General Studies at the University of Florida.
  • Elijah Hughes, South Sumter High School – Majoring in Chemistry at Santa Fe College and is the first member of his family to go to college.
  • Karla Carvajal, Wildwood Middle-High School – Majoring in medicine/pre-med at College of Central Florida and is the first member of her family to go to college.
  • Raul Bayas, Vanguard High School – Majoring in Computer Engineering at Santa Fe College.
  • Richanda Pierre, West Port High School – Attending Florida Atlantic University with plans to work in physical therapy.



SECO Energy, SECO News July 2016. ENERGY EFFICIENCY - Shading for savings


ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Shading for Savings

Summer is here and staying cool is a top priority. The sun’s rays make keeping your home cool difficult. Shading your windows can help reduce solar heat gain and save on energy consumption.


There are a number of good exterior options to choose from when attempting to block out the heat. Solar screens, installed on exterior frames, cover the entire window blocking the sun’s heat before it gets to the glass. Exterior shutters do the same but require manual opening and closing. Both provide a bit of privacy in addition to energy savings.


SECO Energy, SECO News July 2016. ENERGY EFFICIENCY - Shading for savings. Use Awnings and trees


Awnings and trees are another good choice for window shading when placed on the east and west sides of your home. For added benefit, plant deciduous trees that lose their leaves in fall. You’ll want the heat from the sun to help warm your home in winter.


Interior window shading options include reflective film, shutters, and coverings such as drapes, blinds, or shades. Interior shutters and window coverings, although very effective at blocking the heat, will need to stay closed during the day – completely obstructing your view. Reflective film, on the other hand, reflects the sun’s rays without obstructing the view. Choose the option that is right for you.



SECO Energy, SECO News July 2016. Access to Underground Facilities


Access to Underground Facilities

SECO employees are currently out and about in the community inspecting padmount transformers (big green above-ground boxes). In order to quickly and safely restore power after an outage, our Operations employees need a clear path to access this equipment.


Landscape safely – keep fences and plants at least ten feet away from the front of the transformer and at least three feet away from the sides and rear of the transformer.


We are communicating proactively with members and asking them to relocate fences or plants that are obstructing transformers. If the obstructions are not cleared near the transformers, SECO will be forced to remove anything that blocks our access.


For more information about SECO Energy products and services, visit


Read the full July 2016 SECO News here.